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Unit 1 Topic 2 The population in developing countriesis growing faster. Section A 1.学习与ever, never, yet, just等词连用的现在完成时2.学习So +be/助动词/情态动词+主语的倒装句。二、【课前复习】:写出下列动词的过去式及过去分词call _ _ watch _ _hate _ _ study _ _chat _ _ am/is _ _are _ _ find _ _go _ _ make _ _like _ _ have _ _三、自主预习(1)notany more_(2)get lost_(3)lose ones way_(4)call sb. up_(5)make a telephone call to sb_(6)hate doing_(7)be in_ (8)department store_四、【课堂活动】1 现在完成时态(从文中找出以下句子并划在书上)I have _ been to a shopping center with Kangkang. 刚才我和康康去购物中心了Ive _ there before, but I dont want to go there any more. 我以前从未去过哪儿,当我以后再也不想去那儿了。Have you found him_? 你找到他了吗?Michael hasnt found Kangkang _. 迈克尔还没有找到康康。Maybe Kangkang has been home _. 康康可能已经回家了。Have you _ been to the new shopping center?思考:现在完成时常与just,already,_,_,_等副词连用,表示“刚刚、已经、_发生的或完成的动作”。2.So +be/助动词/情态动词+主语的倒装句。I really hate to going to a place like that. -So do I. ,点拨:So do I. - 完全倒装句,含义是:A如此,B也如此结构是:so + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语五、【课后巩固】练习:根据汉语提示用适当词的合适形式填空。 1.I have finished my homework我已经做完家庭作业了。 2.He had his meal他刚吃过饭。 3. you sung this English song?你曾唱过这首英文歌吗? 4.They started 他们还没有动身。 5.We heard of it我们从来没有听说过这件事。 6. The plane arrived . 飞机已经来了。 7. I been to the post office. 我刚才去邮局了。 8. Mary been to the Great Wall. 玛丽从未去过长城。来 9. I am not good at singing, _. (他也是) 10. I have never been there, _. (他也是) 11. -Lucy dances very well. - _ A. So I am. B. So I do. C. So am I. D. So do I.12- I am not good at singing . - _ A. Neither is he.B. So does he. C. So is he. D. Neither he Section B 主备人: 集体备课:一、目标导航【明确目标,把握方向】 1.继续学习现在完成时。 2.学习高位数字表达法。 3.谈论世界各国的人口。二、自主预习【课前预习,探索新知】I、单词互译与记忆(1).population n._ (2).(使)增加,增大_(3). billion num. _ (4).reach v._ (5)俄罗斯_ (6)measure n. _ II、读1a找到下列短语 1)一份有关人口的报告_ 2).68亿人口_ 3).增加了_ 4).美国的人口_5).发展中国家_ 6).发达国家_ 7).另外_ 8).人口问题_9).执行计划生育政策_三、【课堂活动】1. 寻找生活中的数字,正确地读出该数字。如:5; 55; 555; 5,555; 55,555.2. 正确读出2中的数字,并试着归纳出用英语读高位数字的规律。 规律:9十亿6百万3千(9、6、3为具体数字后0的个数) 第一个“,”是thousand;第二个“,”是million; 第三个“,”是billion.3. 听力训练,听1a的录音。完成1b。4. 句型与数字操练,完成1b。 There are about 1.3 billion people in China. = China has a population of 1.3 billion. Whats the population of China? 译:_ 注意:对人口数量提问时用what。6. 新课讲授:(从文中找出以下句子并划在书上)1). And it is increasing by 80 million every year. 而且每年以8000万的速度增长。点拨:increase by - 增加了 increase by+ 倍数或百分数拓展:increase to - 增加到 increase to +具体的增长后的数字练习:a. Our pay has already increased by three times. 译:_ b. Our rice output has increased to 6 million tons this year. 译:_2). It shows that the population in developing countries is larger than that in developed countries, doesnt it? 它显示,发展中国家的人口比发达国家的多,对不对?思考:你能解释一下句中的两个that吗?(1)_ (2)_3).-So it is. The population problem is more serious in developing countries. 原来如此。在发展中国家的人口问题更严重。 点拨:So it is. - 半倒装句,含义是:A的确如此 结构是:so + 主语 + be / 助动词 / 情态动词练习:a.- I think Tom can work out the problem. - So he can. 译:_ b.- Its a fine day today. -_. (的确是这样) c.- They have just finished their homework. - _. (的确是这样)注意:完全倒装句和半倒装句是重要考点,一定要观察,理解并会使用!练习: They can swim well. So _ _. John swims well. So _ _ .4). carry out “实施,执行”,后常接表示“计划,政策”含义的名词。 如:He decided to carry out his plan. 译:_.四、【课后巩固】1.复习一下百以内的基数词:默写1-20 _30_ 40_ 50_ 60_ 70_ 80_ 90_ 100_2. 试着用英语写出下面各数。0_ 28_ 101_119_456,103_
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