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学立教育学立教育四四升五升五英语期末试卷英语期末试卷 (本卷满分 100 分,考试时间 90 分钟) 姓名分数 一、一、.读一读,选出每组中不同类的单词(读一读,选出每组中不同类的单词(10 分)分) ()1.AfirstBsecondCforty ()2.AclassBlunchCdinner ()3.AcoldBwarmCart ()4.AmusicBP.E.Clibrary ()5.AbreakfastBplaygroundC art room 二按要求把右栏前的序号填在左栏前的括号内(按要求把右栏前的序号填在左栏前的括号内(1515 分)分) A 1.()long (反义词)a. it 2.()expensive(反义词)b. potatoes 3 .() sheep(复数形式)c. that 4. () hot (反义词)d. sheep 5.()hen(复数形式)e. cheap 6、 ()this(对应词)f. hens 7. () potato(复数形式)g. short 8. () they(单数形式)h. cold B 1.()twelve orangesA.五只猫 2.()fifteen pigsB.两匹马 3.()three watermelonsC.11 只兔子 4.()five catsD.20 个梨 5.()eleven rabbitsE.12 个橙子 6.()two horsesF.3 个西瓜 7()twenty pearsG.15 头猪 三、三、单选题,在括号内填序号单选题,在括号内填序号。 (10 分)分) ()1.Look at those boots.How much _ they ? A. isB. are ()2.This is my father. He looks very_. A. longB. strong ()3.Can I wear my shirt?Yes, you _. A. canB. cant ()4.Its snowy in Harbin. It is very_, too. A.coldB.hot ()5.Whats the weather like _ Beijing? A. onB. in ()6._shoes are they?They are my brothers. A. WhoseB.Where ()7.How many _are there in your class? A.studentsB.student ()8.It is five oclock. Its time _go home. A. forB.to ()9.Theyre my uncles. Theyre _. A. orangesB. doctor ()10.What are _? They are carrots. A. thisB. these 四、四、B 栏里找出栏里找出 A 栏的正确答句。栏的正确答句。( 10 分分 ) A () 1.Are they your ducks? () 2. What is the weather like today ? () 3. What time is it now?. () 4.How many horses are there? () 5. Where is the teachers office? () 6. What are these ? B A.Its on the first floor.B.No , they arent . C. Its cloudy and coolD.They are hens . E.Its three oclock.F.There are four. 五、五、连词成句连词成句( ( 6 6 分分 ) ) 1、clour , it , is, What? 2、today , warm , is , It 3、for , It , time , math , is , class. 4、this, is , T-shirt , your,? 5、it , much , is , How ? 6They ,fathers apples,are , your 六、六、把下列句子排成一段完整的对话(把下列句子排成一段完整的对话(1010 分)分) (6 )26 degrees!Thats cold! (1 )Hi, Chenjie! This is Mark. ()Its 26 degrees. ()Whats the weather like in USA? ()Its rainy.How about Beijing? ()Hi,Mark! ()No, it isnt, its warm. 七判断正误,正确的写判断正误,正确的写 T,错误的写错误的写 F。 (10 分分) My name is John. I m 12. I like sports very much. I get up at 7:00 today. Oh, it s time for breakfast. I wear a yellow T-shirt with the blue shorts.At 7:50, I go to school with Mike. We are classmates. Our classroom is on the first floor. Its big and nice. There are two blackboards, four fans, six lights and many desks and chairs in it.We love our school very much. () 1.John likes math very much. () 2.John gets up at 7:50. () 3.John wears a yellow T-shirt with the blue shorts. () 4.The art room is on the first floor. () 5.There are six lights in Johns classroom. 八、英汉互译八、英汉互译。 (10 分分) Monday:星期二: Wednesday:星期四: 星期五:星期六: 星期日:语文: 计算机:艺术课: 九、把下面的英文翻译成中文(英译汉九、把下面的英文翻译成中文(英译汉) 。 (20 分分) 1、 What do you have on Friday?_ I have a PE class. 2、 Do you like sports?_ No, but I like to sleep. 3、I have a cooking class with your grandma. 4、Song Yu is very kind and smart. 5、Lin Pei studies very hard. 6、Lin pei is a polite and clever boy. 7、We like other students and our English teacher. 8、My dream is to be a doctor. 9、Our English teacher teach us much knowledge. 10、We will have a good grade in this English examination.
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