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魏长庚船长整理翻译 C. Voyage Charterparty Laytime Interpretation Rules 1993* 1993 年航次租船合同装卸时间解释规则 CODE NAME 简称: VOYLAYRULES 93 Issued jointly by BIMCO, CMI, FONASBA and INTERCARGO. 由丹麦哥本哈根波罗的海航运公会(BIMCO)、伦敦国际海事委员会(CMI)、伦敦全国船舶经纪人和代理人 协会联合会(FONASBA)和国际干货船舶船舶所有人协会(INTERCARGO)联合发布。 PREAMBLE 序言 The interpretations of words and phrases used in a charterparty, as set out below, and the corresponding initials if customarily used, shall apply when expressly incorporated in the charterparty, wholly or partly, save only to the extent that they are inconsistent with any express provision of it. 在租船合同中所使用的下列词汇及短语,以及习惯使用的相应缩略语,不论全部或是部分地明文并入到 租船合同中,即适用本解释。但本解释与租船合同的明文规定不一致的除外。 When the word charterparty is used, it shall be understood to extend to any form of contract of carriage or affreightment including contracts evidenced by bills of lading. 使用了租船合同一词时,应理解为适用于任何各种形式的运输与包运合同,包括提单证明的合同。 * Reproduced with the kind permission of BIMCO. 已得到波罗的海航运公会的许可并在此重印。 LIST OF RULES 规则一览表 1 PORT 港口 2 BERTH 泊位 3 REACHABLE ON HER ARRIVAL or ALWAYS ACCESSIBLE 抵达即可立即马上靠泊或可以自由进入随时靠泊 4 LAYTIME 装卸时间 5 PER HATCH PER DAY 每日每舱口 6 PER WORKING HATCH PER DAY (WHD) or PER WORKABLE HATCH PER DAY (WHD) 每日每工作舱口或每日每可工作舱口 7 DAY 天/日 8 CLEAR DAYS 净日数 9 HOLIDAY 节假日 10 WORKING DAY (WD) 工作日 11RUNNING DAYS or CONSECUTIVE DAYS 连续日 12 WEATHER WORKING DAY (WWD) or WEATHER WORKING DAY OF 24 HOURS or WEATHER WORKING DAY OF 24 CONSECUTIVE HOURS 良好天气工作日或 24 个小时的良好天气工作日或连续 24 小时良好天气工作日 13 WEATHER PERMITTING (WP) 天气许可 14 EXCEPTED or EXCLUDED 除外或扣除 15 UNLESS SOONER COMMENCED 除非很快提前开始 16 UNLESS USED (UU) 除非使用 魏长庚船长整理翻译 17 TO AVERAGE LAYTIME 装卸时间均分计算 18 REVERSIBLE LAYTIME 可调剂的装卸时间 19 NOTICE OF READINESS (NOR) 准备就绪通知书 20 IN WRITING 书面形式 21 TIME LOST WAITING FOR BERTH TO COUNT AS LOADING OR DISCHARGING TIME or AS LAYTIME 等泊时间计入装货或卸货时间或装卸时间 22 WHETHER IN BERTH OR NOT (WIBON) or BERTH OR NO BERTH 无论靠泊与否 23 VESSEL BEING IN FREE PRATIQUE and/or HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT THE CUSTOM HOUSE 船 舶提供无线电检疫(免检)和/或已经清关 24 DEMURRAGE 滞期费 25 DESPATCH MONEY or DESPATCH 速遣费或速遣 26 DESPATCH ON (ALL) WORKING TIME SAVED (WTS) or ON (ALL) LAYTIME SAVED 按节省的(全部)工作时间计算速遣费或按节省的(全部)装卸时间计算速遣费 27 DESPATCH ON ALL TIME SAVED (ATS) 按节省的全部时间计算速遣费 28 STRIKE 罢工 1. PORT shall mean an area, within which vessels load or discharge cargo whether at berths, anchorages, buoys, or the like, and shall also include the usual places where vessels wait for their turn or are ordered or obliged to wait for their turn no matter the distance from that area. If the word PORT is not used, but the port is (or is to be) identifi ed by its name, this defi nition shall still apply. 1.港口是指:船舶进行装货或卸货的区域,而不论是在泊位、锚地、浮筒或类似地点,也应包括船舶轮 班等泊,或受命等泊或被强制要求依次等泊时惯常使用的地点,而不管该地点与上述区域距离之远近。如 果未使用港口一词,但该港口仍可由其名称加以识别(或应该加以识别) ,则上述定义仍应适用。 2. BERTH shall mean the specifi c place within a port where the vessel is to load or discharge. If the word BERTH is not used, but the specifi c place is (or is to be) identifi ed by its name, this defi nition shall still apply. 2. 泊位是指:船舶在港口内进行装货或卸货的特定地点。未使用泊位一词的,但该特定的地点为其名 称(或将以其名称)所认定,则上述定义亦适用。 3. REACHABLE ON HER ARRIVAL or ALWAYS ACCESSIBLE shall mean that the charterer undertakes that an available loading or discharging berth be provided to the vessel on her arrival at the port which she can reach safely without delay in the absence of an abnormal occurrence. 3.到达即可马上靠泊或“始终可自由进入靠泊是指: 承租人保证在船舶到达港口后即提供一个空闲可用的 装货或卸货泊位,而该泊位在没有异常偶发事件的情况下,能使船舶安全而毫无延迟地抵靠。 4. LAYTIME shall mean the period of time agreed between the parties during which the owner will make and keep the vessel available for loading or discharging without payment additional to the freight. 4.装卸时间是指:双方当事人共同约定的期间,在该期限内,船东使船舶和保持船舶能够进行装货或卸 货而不收取额外的运费。 5. PER HATCH PER DAY shall mean that the laytime is to be calculated by dividing (A), the quantity of cargo, by (B), the result of multiplying the agreed daily rate per hatch by the number of the vessels hatches. Thus: Laytime= Quantity of Cargo(A) =Days Daily Rate X Number of Hatches Each pair of parallel twin hatches shall count as one hatch. Nevertheless, a hatch that is capable of being worked by two gangs simultaneously shall be counted as two hatches. 魏长庚船长整理翻译 5.每日每舱口是指:装卸时间的计算是用货物数量除以每天每舱口约定装卸率乘以船舶舱口数的乘积。 即是: 装卸时间= 货物数量 =天数 每日装卸货率 X 舱口数 每对平行的双舱口按照一个舱口计算,但能够由 2 个工班同时进行作业的舱口数应算作 2 个舱口。 6. PER WORKING HATCH PER DAY (WHD) or PER WORKABLE HATCH PER DAY (WHD) shall mean that the laytime is to be calculated by dividing (A), the quantity of cargo in the hold with the largest quantity, by (B), the result of multiplying the agreed daily rate per working or workable hatch by the number of hatches serving that hold. Thus: Laytime= Largest Quantity in One Hold(A) =Days Daily Rate per Hatch X Number of Hatches Serving that hold Each pair of parallel twin hatches shall
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