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ABB Group - 1 - 2011/11/15 ? ?ABB? ? ?10?D?1? ?010-58217660 ?010-58217618 ?guangri.licn.abb.com ?http:/www.abb.com/motorso .ane trion a oc rnt. c11z:e .tr- J (!j. . mn :OJTTIC:r All at Itt.: Y!ll.lu:; -:s rel:u ;m:a Mt“.J:n tll El l:i “:tl fi:I:D:n ci!n .- uen:e l!te h;,rrci“ts ml!a.r:l .:;, :#.:-!i) :n,. lntilid altler eaul:r W.thr it!e b:lt u c c1ter e-:1 .JL“!lT. n tr nD pier. !j. :.i!ln b :lu:i!:, ;11 !;: n:o m b: drY Yi3J!.fng 1:1: ualtz:r b:t:o:r, equr r. r:al:u;,:l :urre., -:s :1.-cr; “mm!L1:1: shDn . s report :r “.:c I!S:mi:llk:r Pf,.r:.z.as.oc y . ABB Group - 41 - 2011/11/15 S120 llJrt.!)l.G-Basic Line Module ( BLM) 3AC 380-480V 200-710KW Chassis %J 3AC 660-690V 250-1100KW Chassis %J ll!rtil-m.!)l.5G-Smart Line Module ( SLM) *PJ BLM:Jj:J!*ft!ll 3AC 380-480V 5-36KW Booksize %) 3AC 380-480V 250-SOOKW Chassis %5 3AC 660-690V 450 -1400KW Chassis%) AFE-Active Line Module ( ALM )PJB9ll!rt-BJ:!:XJI 3AC 380-480V 16120KW Booksize %) 3AC 380-480V 132-900KW Chassis%) 3AC 660-690V 560-1400KW Chassis%) liiilJP.jG :rJ$Gflj: iiJli Eltllil II HiM i Uill liiilll“iifltii!U 1!Uil!i:iJ vlinesupply Vocllok=1.5x V;oesupplj 400 v 600 v 690 v 1035 v SLM IGBT ;jJI M lliUii!IIJ!/!Uil l:kllii:=: -4. 7.8 $:iii PCMer Modules 1AC 3AC Basic Une Modules Smart Line Modules Active Line Modules (cosq = 1) Generator operation Energy recovery in the supply system not possible Energy recovery in the supply system not possible Energy recovery in the supply system not possible ;=-:*- . . ee Uo r, Typical wavefOfm of the line current with Power Modules and Une Modules ABB Group - 42 - 2011/11/15 Power and productivity for a better world rM
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