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lean manufacturing training week 4,及时 正确的零件, 数量, 时间 生产节拍 持续流程 拉动体系 快速切换 完备物流,Jidoka (现场质量) 问题可见性 自动停止 暂停 人与机器分离 防错 现场质量控制 解决根本原因 (5 Whys),高品质 低成本 短周期 更安全 高士气 简化生产流程排除浪费,lean manufacturing foundations,个人 & 团队 *选择 *快速决定 *共同目标 *交叉培训,减少浪费 *Genchi Genbutsu *聚焦浪费 *5 为什么 *问题解决,持续改进,line balance,adjusting the spread of work evenly between operators to the rate of customer demand remember: TAKT time available work time/customer demand cycle time actual time to complete the tasks,line balance,benefits: improve throughput of assembly line encourage one-piece flow increase labour utilisation reduce cost,line balance,Yamazumi Japanese word literally meaning to stack up stacked bar chart that shows the balance of cycle time workloads between a number of operators typically in an assembly line or work cell,line balance,effects of imbalance excess inventory idle equipment idle people team dissension individual frustration,line balance,Line Balance Exercise,problem solving,within all organisations there are an endless supply of problems the inverse of a problem is an opportunity problems often classed as failures and thus hidden rather than addressed “every problem is an improvement opportunity”,problem solving,traditional method of correcting problems correct problems off line in rework areas/bays added layers of inspection reluctance to identify problems & solutions not explored problems continue, added cost to correct later application of 6 sigma and SPC to solve problems,problem solving,new approach stopping line to fix problems (Jidoka) principle “get quality right the first time” stop to fix problems do not allow defects to pass through to next process urgency to fix problems challenges people to think Andon, Jidoka, Poke Yoke, Standard Work, Problem Solving, Training motivation to identify and solve problems,problem solving,Problem Solving Process,1.Define Problem,2.Complete root cause analysis,3.Consider solutions through consensus,4. PDCA,5. Reflect and learn,problem solving,1.Define the problem go to where the problem is and observe the situation without preconception compare the actual situation to the standard use Pareto Analysis to prioritise a number of different problems set targets for improvement “Carefully aim before firing”,problem solving,Pareto Chart (80/20 Rule 80 percent of the problems stem from 20 percent of the causes),problem solving,2.Complete root cause analysis Analysis not clouded no preconceived ideas of source of problem Analysis continued until true “root” cause of problem are discovered Multiple causes for problems complete comprehensive analysis Various problem solving tools available,problem solving,5 whys ask “why?” five times example: WHY is the press leaking? There is a crack in the oil filter WHY is the filter cracked? Because it gets too hot during use WHY does it get hot? Because cooling system not working WHY doesnt the cooling system work? Too much dust on coils WHY is there too much dust on coils? The air intake filter is missing! SOLUTION: Replace air intake filter,problem solving,Cause and effect (aka Fishbone diagram) Generate a comprehensive list of possible causes Lead to greater understanding of the problem 4Ms Man, Machine, Materials, Methods (additional Ms include M-environment and Measurement) easier identification and analysis,problem solving,problem solving,How to draw cause and effect diagram,This is a three step process. Step 1 Write down the effect to be investigated and draw the backbone arrow to it. In the example shown below the effect is Incorrect deliveries.,problem solving,Step 2 Identify all the broad areas of enquiry in which the causes of the effect being investigated may lie. For incorrect deliveries the diagram may then become:,problem solving,Step 3 write in detailed possible causes in each of the broad areas of enquiry. Each cause identified should be fully explored for further more specific causes which, in turn, contribute to them.,problem solving,Brainstorming a group creativity technique to generate a large number of ideas for the solution of a problem break out of stale, established patterns of thinking to develop new ways of looking at things,problem solving,3. Consider solutions through consensus Step 1.Broadly consider all possibilities Step 2. Narrow list by eliminating impractical solutions Step 3. Evaluate based on simplicity, cost, quality and ability to implement quickly Step 4. Develop consensus on the proposed solution Consensus through cross-functional team supervisor, operator, quality, manufacturing engineering, logistics, design engineering etc,problem solving,4. PDCA - also known as Shewhart Cycle An iterative 4 step quality control strategy Get from “problem faced” to “problem solved”,problem solving,P-Plan Develop action plan to deliver required results D-Do Implement solutions rapidly C-Check Verify the result A-Act Make necessary adjustments to solutions and action plan
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