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,第五课时,Part B Let s learn,arm,hand,head,body,Look at me . This is my _.,body,Shake your body.,leg,foot,This is my .,foot,mouth,eye,ear,face,head,nose,Look at me . This is my _.,Touch my _.,hair,hand,head,Clap your hands.,This is my .,hand,Snap your hands.,leg,legs,This is my .,They are my .,Shake your legs.,What are missing? (没了什么?),This is my arm.,They are my .,arms,Wave your arms.,This is my .,hand,hands,They are my .,head,arm,hand,body,foot,leg,This is the head,This is the arm,This is the hand,This is the body,This is the foot,This is the leg,Lets learn,body,leg,foot,hand,head,arm,Clap your hands,Wave your arms,Touch your head,Shake your legs,Shake your body,Stamp your foot,拍拍你的手。,摸摸你的头。,挥挥你的胳膊。,摇摇你的腿。,摇摇你的身体。,跺跺你的脚。,Clap your hands,Wave your arms,Touch your head,Shake your legs,Stamp your foot,Shake your body,拍拍你的手,摆摆你的手,摸摸你的头,摇摇你的腿,摇摇你的身体,跺跺你的脚,身体部位单词知识早知道 green hand 生手、没有经验的人 hand in hand 手拉手,密切相关, 密不可分 arm in arm臂挽臂、手挽手 head teacher【英】(中小学)校长、班主任,1.读写学生用书第28页Lets learn 部分的单词三行,句子五次。 2.跟你朋友一起读Lets do的指令 和做相应的动作 。 3.动手做一个puppet,并说说他身体 的各部位名称。,Homework,Big Head Son,Small Head Father,
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