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used 用法辨析一、be used to 名词、代词或动名词be used to 意为“习惯于”,主语通常是人。to 是介词,它后面接名词、代词或动名词 (不能接动词原形);若要强调从不习惯到习惯的过程,可用get, become 等代替动词be。例句He is used to looking after himself. 他已习惯于自己照顾自己。例句She has been used to that way of study她已经习惯于那种学习方法了。例句She has become used to getting up early她已习惯于早起。 二、used to do sth.意为“过去经常做某事,以前一直习惯于做某事,曾经做过某事”。主语通常是人。其中 to 是不定式符号,它后面只能接动词原形(不能接动名词)。例句I used to work in this factory. 我曾在这家工厂工作。例句He used to live in Paris. 他过去一直住在巴黎。例句They used to be good friends他们过去是好朋友。 注意点: 1“used to”只用于表示过去时间的句子;当表示“现在习惯性的动作”时,要用一般现在时。 例句I used to live in Beijing,but I live in Yancheng now我以前住在北京,但现在住在盐城。 2“used to”所表示的“过去”含义常有明显的与现在对照的意思,即“过去常这样做,现在不这样做了”。例句We used to be good workers我们过去是好工人。(但现在我们不是好工人了。) 3“used to”的主语通常是人称代(名)词(如she, they,Lily等),如用表示事(物)的名词作主语,习惯上通常使用“there used to be.”结构。 例句There used to be a bus stop on that corner那个拐角处过去有个公共汽车站。 例句There used to be a class meeting every Friday last year去年每星期五总有班会。 4.used to 通常不能与表示具体次数(如 twice, three times 等)或一段时间(如 three months, five years 等)的词或短语连用,但却可以与 always, often 等表示经常性意义的副词连用。例句我在乡下住过 3 年。正:I lived in the country for three years. 误:I used to live in the country for three years.例句我过去总是怕狗。正:I always used used always to be afraid of dogs.5.used to 构成否定式和疑问式时通常有两种方式:即借助助动词did 或直接将 used 用作助动词。例句He usednt didnt use to come. 他过去不常来。例句You used to go there, usednt didnt you? 你过去常到那儿去,是吗?三、be used to do sth.= be used for doing sth. 指“某物被用来做什么”,属于动词的被动语态用法,主语通常是物。例句This knife is used to cut things. 这把小刀是用来切东西的。例句This place has been used to plant vegetables这个地方已经用于种蔬菜了。练一练一、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Youll soon get used to _(live) in the country.2. I never used to _(eat) cakes, but I eat a lot now.3. Im not used to _(treat) like this.4. When I was younger, I was used to _(walk) long distances.5. I used to _(go) swimming on Saturdays.6. Didnt she use to _(live) in Germany?7. Life here is much easier than it _ (use) be.8. My cousin is used to _(study) with his new friends in Australia.9. Jim has lived in Australia for two years. He is used to _(drive) on the left.10.The coats_(use) by people for keeping warm in winter.二、选择题:( )1. There _ a lot of red-crowned cranes in this area. A.was used to B.was used to be C.used to D.used to be( )2. My father go to work by bike, but now he going to work by car. A. use; used to B. uses; is used C. used to; is used to D. is used to; was used to( )3. He used to _ in a small village, but now he has been used to _ in the big city. (镇江) A. live; living B.live; live C.living;living D.living; live( )4. Mrs Green _ go to hospital, but now she is in good health. A. has to B.need to C.used to D.ought to( )5.The water in the tank is used _your hands. A.to washing B.to be washed C.for washing D.washing( )6. Jeremy Lin _an unknown basketball player in New York Knicks for quite a long time.A.used to be B.used to being C.is used to be D.was used to be( )7. Mr Brown _ in the country, but now she _ in the city.A. used to live, is used to living B. used to living, is used to liveC. is used to live, used to living D. is used to living , used to live( )8.Unlike Chinese,Americans _their meals with knives and forks【无锡中考】A. used to taking B. are used to taking C. used to take D. are used to take( )9. I _ a lot but I dont play very often now【苏州中考】 A.use to play tennis B.was used to play tennis C.am used to play tennis D.used to play tennis( )10.She used to _ with her parents, but now she is used to _ with her classmates at school. 【泰州中考】A. live; living B. live; live C. living; living D. living; live三、翻译句子:1.几个月后他就习惯了一个人生活了。 _.2.我过去一直住在伦敦。 _.3.我不习惯于坐飞机旅行,因为没时间欣赏路途的风景。I _ because I dont have any time _.4.Sandy过去常开车旅行,因为她害怕飞行。 Sandy_ by car because she_.5.他说他习惯这项艰苦的工作。He said that he the hard work.6.David过去经常不吃早饭,但他现在习惯每天早上七点半吃早饭。David _ breakfast, but he it at 7:30 a.m. every day.7.妈妈习惯在晚上收拾屋子,可以前她常在周末收拾的。Mother _the house in the evening, but she _it at the weekends.现在完成时复习题二答案一、用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. are planting 2. have known 3. was 4. will give, finishes 5. meets 6. have lived, born 7. met, like 8. is living, will move 9. to play 10.lived 11.read, has read
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