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教学目标 (1)熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语。 (2)通过学案中所给出的重点单词和重点短语的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些单词和短语。,Unit 2 The universal language Period 4 课件 3,(3)通过对这些词汇的学习能够更深层次的理解课文,再通过课文加深对这些词汇的理解,更加熟练的运用这些词汇。 (4)通过对本课文的理解,让学生能够用英语简单描述所读过的歌剧作品并介绍自己喜爱的剧作家和音乐家,以提高学生的口头及书面表达能力。,教学地位 单词和短语是构成句子的最小单位,在语言学习中起至关重要的作用,所以理解和正确使用英语单词和短语是英语学习的重点所在。,新课导入建议 “Lets know something about Turandot in Beijing”开门见山,直入主题。,演示结束,1universal adj.通用的,共同的,普遍的;全体的,全世界的 Music has been called “the universal language” because people do not need to speak the same language to understand it.(P17)音乐一直被叫做“通用语言”,因为人们不必讲相同的语言就可以理解它。 Its a universal truth.这是一个普遍的真理。 Overpopulation is a universal problem. 人口过剩是个世界性的问题。,universally adv.共同地,万能地,普遍地 universe n. the universe宇宙;天地万物;万象;全世界;全人类 God is believed to have made the universe. 人们相信神创造了天地万物。 The universe desires peace.全世界期望和平。,【解析】 本题考查形容词词义辨析。句意:英语是现在全球通用的语言。universal“普遍的,共同的”,符合语意,故选B。 【答案】 B,2cast vt. & vi.选派角色;为(戏剧、角色)选派演员 Some of the worlds greatest opera singers were cast in this production,and many great Chinese musicians also participated.(P18)几位世界顶级歌剧演唱家在制片中担任角色,许多杰出的中国音乐家也参加了演出。 The play is being cast in the whole country. 目前正在全国挑选这部戏的演员。 Wu Yue was cast for the part of Sun Wukong in the new TV play. 在这部新电视剧中吴樾被选派扮演孙悟空的角色。,He has cast her as an ambition lawyer in his latest movie. 他已经选定她在他最新的影片中扮演一个雄心勃勃的律师。 He was much cast down when he heard of his failure at the examination. 他听到他考试不及格时,心情极为沮丧。,3Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden Citythere could not be a more awesome setting!(P18)想想在紫禁城上演这出歌剧吧不可能有比这更好的场景了! 句中there could not be a more awesome setting是用比较级形式表达最高级含义,属于“否定比较级”结构。 not,no,never等否定词与比较级连用,表示最高级含义,意为“再没有比更的了”。 You cant find a more suitable person for the job. 你不可能找到一个比他更适合这项工作的人了。 I cant agree with you more.我再同意你不过了。,【解析】 句意:我从未玩得更开心过这是完美的一天。shouldnt have done表示“本不应该做而事实上已经做了”;neednt have done表示“本没有必要做而事实上已经做了”;wouldnt have done用于虚拟语气;couldnt have done表示“不可能做过”。此处用not和比较级连用表达最高级的含义,意为“从未比这更高兴过”。所以正确答案为D项。 【答案】 D,【解析】 考查形容词的比较级。句意:布莱克先生非常高兴,因为他的工厂生产的衣服从未如此受人欢迎。此处形容词popular的比较级与否定词never连用表示最高级含义。 【答案】 B,4condemn vt.判刑,宣判;指责,谴责 Those who cannot answer all three riddles, however, will be condemned to death.(P18) 然而,不能回答这三个谜题的人将被处死。 Everyone condemned his foolish behaviour. 大家都责备他的愚昧行为。 A murderer was condemned to life imprisonment. 一个杀人犯被判处无期徒刑。,condemn sb./sth.as.指责某人/某事为 condemn sb.for doing sth.谴责某人做了某事 condemn sb.to sth.判处某人某种刑罚 be condemned to sth.被处以某种刑罚 be condemned to do sth.被迫做某事 We condemned him for his bad behavior, but he thought nothing of it. 我们因为他行为不良而责备他,但他却不以为然。 The judge condemned the criminal to death for a case of murder.因一桩凶杀案法官判那名罪犯死刑。,5dare vt.& vi.敢于,胆敢 This means that few men would dare to ask for her hand in marriage.(P18) 这就意味着很少有男士敢向她求婚。 He dares to behave like that in my house. 他竟敢在我家里有如此的行为! He does not dare to fight.他不敢斗争。 I didnt dare(to)quarrel with them. 我没有敢和他们争吵。 He has never dared to say it. 他从不敢说出那件事。,dare to do sth.敢于做某事 dare sb. to do sth.激某人做某事,谅某人无胆量做某事 I dare say我想;很可能;大概,Dont worry. I dare say he will come. 不要担心,我想他会来的。 We know that he wont dare to break his promise. 我们知道他不敢食言。 He dared me to jump.他激我跳过去。 【提示】 dare用作实义动词时,在否定句或疑问句中,其后的不定式符号to可以省略。dare用作情态助动词时,其一般现在时没有词形变化,过去式为dared。,How dare you ask me such a question? 你怎敢问我这样的问题? My younger sister dare not go out alone. 我妹妹不敢单独出去。 I dared not quarrel with them. 我没有敢和他们争吵。,单项填空 I wonder how he that to the teacher. Adare to say Bdare saying Cnot dare say Ddared say 【答案】 Dare dare not/dont dare to Dare you/Do you dare to dared to D,6disturbing adj.令人不安的,引起恐慌的 The emperor finds the death disturbing.(P18) 皇帝对这种杀戮焦虑不安。 A disturbing piece of news spread in the village. 一则恼人的消息在村子中传开了。 It is very disturbing that there has been an increase in crime in the last six months. 过去六个月犯罪案件的增加令人恐慌不已。,disturb vt.扰乱,妨碍;使不安;打破的平静 disturbed adj.担心的,心乱的;心理不正常的 be disturbed about为担忧 Dont disturb the kids because they are studying. 不要打扰这些孩子,他们正在学习。 He is very disturbed about the situation of Syria. 他对叙利亚的局势感到很不安。,【解析】 句意:你如果起得早,尽量不要打扰其他的在睡觉的人。根据语境可知disturb(打扰,打搅)正确,故选B。 【答案】 B,fall in love/be in love,Nancy was so attractive that Jimmy fell in love with her the first time he saw her. Now they have been in love with each other for 3 years.南茜如此有魅力,以至于吉米对她一见钟情。现在他们已经相爱三年了。,(2)at first sight初次见面;乍一看 At first sight the house appeared to be empty. 乍一看,这房子似乎空无一人。 They fell in love as soon as they met: it was love at first sight.他们一见面就坠入情网,真是一见钟情。,catch sight of看见 lose sight of看不见 in sight看得见;在视线内 out of sight看不见;在视野之外 at (the) sight of一看见就 come into sight进入视野;出现,We stood at the window until their car came into sight. 我们站在窗前,直到看到他们的车驶来。 Brave man as he is, he trembles at (the) sight of snakes.他尽管勇敢,可见到蛇还是发抖。,【解析】 考查介词短语辨析。out of sight“从视线中消失”,符合语境。out of reach“够不着,达不到”; out of order“出故障”;out of place“不在适当的位置”。 【答案】 A,8take on穿上;承担;呈现(某种特征、外观等);雇用 The story then takes on a classic love triangle between Calaf, Turandot and Liu.(P18)故事随后演绎了发生在卡拉夫、图兰朵和柳儿之间的经典三角恋情。 The old factory h
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