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1. by oneself单独地;独自地 2. in other words换句话说3. be divided into被(划)分成 4. be similar to.和相似5. take part in参加 6. at the start of在开始的时候7. at the end of在结束的时候 8. look forward to 盼望;期望9. amazed adj.吃惊的;惊讶的10. be amazed at 对惊讶11. be amazed to do.做很惊讶12. in amazement惊讶地13. to ones amazement使某人惊讶的是14. follow the instructions遵照说明15. carry out ones instructions执行某人的命令16. instruct v.指示;吩咐;命令;讲授;指导17. instruct sb.to do.命令某人做18. as instructed按照指示19. instructive adj.有益的,有教育意义的20. be bored with对厌烦21. be bored to death烦死了22. bore sb.with用使某人厌烦23. be fed up with/be tired of对厌倦24. be embarrassed by/about对感到尴尬25. embarrassing adj.令人不安的;令人尴尬的26. embarrass v.使不安;使尴尬27. embarrassment n.尴尬;难堪;惹麻烦的人或事28. to ones embarrassment令某人尴尬的是29. be covered with/by覆盖30. from cover to cover从头到尾31. break ones word/promise违背诺言;食言32. keep ones word守信用;履行诺言33. eat ones words收回所说的话34. get in a word插话35. in a/one word总之36. have a word with sb.与某人谈一谈37. have words with sb.和某人吵架,38. word came that.传来消息说39. look forward to中to为介词,后跟名词、代词、动名词作宾语。类似的短语还有:40. belong to属于 41. add to增加42. be used to习惯于 43. be addicted to沉溺于44. be accustomed to习惯于 45. stick to坚持46. be devoted to贡献 47. adapt to适应48. object to反对 49. refer to谈到50. get down to开始做 51. lead to导致52. contribute to有助于 53. turn to求助;转向54. be patient with对有耐心55. beyond ones patience无法忍受56. out of patience没有耐心57. have no patience with对没有耐心58. lose patience with对失去耐心59. with patience耐心地60. be serious about对严肃61. take.seriously认真对待62. avoid doing.避免做63. avoidable adj.可避免的64. unavoidable adj.不能避免的;无法逃避的65. appreciate doing.感激做66. I would appreciate it if.假如我将不胜感激67. appreciation n.欣赏;感激68. in appreciation of欣赏;感激69. admit sth./doing sth.承认某事/做某事70. admitn.to be承认是71. admit sb./sth.into/to允许某人(物)进入72. be admitted as.作为被接受73. be admitted into/to被录取;成为的一员74. admission n.进入;入场费;承认75. relax v.放松;放宽76. relax the ban/restriction放宽禁令/限制77. relaxing adj.令人放松的;轻松78. make sure of/about.弄清楚;查明79. be sure of/about有把握;确信(主语自信)80. be sure to do sth.一定要,务必(去做某事)81. for sure确定无疑82. as a result of由于;作为的结果83. with the result that以至于84. without result毫无结果地85. result from由引起86. result in导致;结果87. get on/off上/下(车、船等) 88. get into上(车);进入,陷入;习惯于89. get out of下(车);从出去;逃避 90. be short for是的缩写/简称91. at a speed of以的速度 92. take off(飞机)起飞;变得成功;脱掉(衣服)93. not.any more不再 94. out of date过时95. refer to指的是;查阅;涉及;提到 96. more than多于,不仅仅97. frighten sb./sth.away/off把某人(物)吓走98. frighten sb.into/out of doing sth.吓唬某人做/不做某事99. be frightened to do.吓得不敢做100. be frightened of/that.害怕101. ask for an interview 求见102. interview sb.about sth.就某事采访(会见)某人103. be interviewed for a job接受求职面试104. take up拿起;接受;开始;继续;占用;从事105. take in吸收;接纳;欺骗;领会106. take down拆除;写下107. take on呈现;雇用;承担108. take over接管;承袭109. take.into consideration/account把考虑进去110. be short of.缺少;缺乏111. in short简言之;总之112. for short简略为;简称113. to be short 简而言之114. shortly speaking 简而言之115. not.any longer(no longer)不再(从时间上)116. more or less或多或少,大约117. more than多于;不仅仅;非常118. no more than不超过,顶多;仅仅119. whats more而且,还有120. the more.,the more.越,越121. refer.to.把提交给;让参考122. refer to.as.把称为123. in/with reference to关于124. for reference以备查阅125. in the south of在的南部 126. put up修建;张贴127. get away from摆脱 128. make it成功129. so far/up to now/till now到目前为止 130. a great many/a number of许多;大量131. go up上升132. attract ones attention吸引某人的注意133. attract sb.to.把某人吸引到134. be attracted by被吸引135. have no attraction for sb.对某人没有吸引力136. an approach to.(做某事的)方法/途径;接近,靠近137. at the approach of在快到的时候138. be approaching 快到了139. (just) around/round the corner(时间上)临近地,马上,快要;(距离上)紧邻地,很近地140. afford to do.能做141. afford sb.sth.afford sth.to sb.提供给某人142. affordable adj.负担得起的143. survive on靠存活下来144. survive sth.幸免于;从中活过来145. survivor n.幸存者146. survival n.幸存;残存147. put away把收起来,放好;储存148. put back放回原处;耽搁149. put down放下;写下,记下;镇压150. put forward提出(意见、建议等)151. put up with忍受,忍耐152. put on穿上;上演153. put out熄灭154. put through接通(电话)155. put off推迟;延期156. get away with(做了某事)而不受惩罚;携带跑掉157. get across解释清楚,使人了解158. get over克服;恢复159. get down to开始;着手160. get sb.down使沮丧;使悲伤161. get round/around走动;(消息)传开162. go ahead前进;干吧;说吧163. go against违反;违背164. go by流逝;根据决定165. go all out to do.全力去做166. go without忍受某事物的缺乏167. go off爆炸;离去;(警报器等)突然发出巨响168. go after追求;设法获得169. It/This/That is the first/second.time that 从句(现在完成时)170. It/This/That was the first/second.time that从句(过去完成时171. It is一段时间since.自从以来多久了172. It will be一段时间before.多久之后才173. It wont be long before.不久就174. It is (high) time that
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