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Unit 7 Lesson 40 The UN - The Power of Words,Free Talk,Words or war which do think is more powerful? Do you know there is an international organization which tries to prevent war? What is its name?,New Words and Expressions,headquarter n. 总部,war n. 战争;斗争,suffer through 熬过;挨过 Put it at its lowest trade, commerce and industry all suffer through it. 从最起码的层次上说,贸易、商业和工业都 会连带受到影响。 It was her lot to suffer through life. 她命该一辈子受苦。,World War II 第二次世界大战 Jack Mann was a Royal Air Force fighter pilot during World War II. 杰克曼在第二次世界大战时期是英国皇家 空军的战斗机飞行员。,the United Nations ( the UN ) 联合国 The United Nations has appealed for help from the international community. 联合国已经呼吁国际社会提供援助。 the Dutch delegation to the United Nations 出席联合国会议的荷兰代表团,the Secretary General 秘书长 The Secretary-General was asked to mediate in the dispute. 有人请秘书长来调解这次纷争。 The United Nations Secretary General called on all parties to show moderation. 联合国秘书长呼吁各方要表现出克制。,the UN Security Council 联合国安理会 The US is trying to neutralize the resolution in the UN Security Council. 美国正试图在联合国安理会使该决议无效。,permanent member 常任理事成员 They are also permanent member of the UN Security Council. 他们也是联合国安全理事会常任理事国。,Lets Do It!,What do you know about the UN? Read the lesson and fill in the mind map.,the UN,New York City,to keep peace between two fighting countries,formed in 1945,193 member states,the UN Security Council,the Secretary - General,the UN,the Secretary - General,the UN,the Secretary - General,the UN,the Secretary - General,the Secretary - General,the Secretary - General,to keep peace between two fighting countries,the Secretary - General,Here is a speech that was given at a UN meeting. Read the speech and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Mr._, my fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen, It is a great honor for me to stand here and speak to you all. We know this is no ordinary time for our people. Each of us comes here with our own problems.,situation agreement satisfy Secretary General,Secretary - General,Sometimes we cannot reach an _. Sometimes the _ is very serious. And most of the time, we cannot _ everyone. But it is not impossible! We should work together to make the world a better place to live. More peace, less war!,situation agreement satisfy Secretary General,agreement,satisfy,situation,A SPEECH ABOUT PREVENTING WAR. We all love peace and hate war. War brings suffering to people. How can we put an end to war? Imagine you are representing China at the United Nations. Make a speech about how the United Nations should work to prevent war.,A SPEECH ABOUT PREVENTING WAR. Present your speech to a small group of classmates and listen to their speeches. Talk about your speeches in groups. Ask each other questions about your opinions and other information you learned.,Homework: 1. Remember the new words and phrases. 2. Read the text again and try to retell it in English.,Thank you!,
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