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Module 3 Unit 1 Sam isnt tidying his room.同步练习上外苏河湾中学张海舟 选词填空doing tidying is drawing listening1. Hes _ his homework.2. Hes _ to the radio.3. Shes _ a picture .4. Sam is _ his room. 5. What _ he doing? 适当形式填空am is are1Mom: _ Sam doing his homework?Amy: No, he isnt.2Mom: Are you tidying your room now?Sam: Yes, I _.3Mom: Sam, what _ you doing?Sam: Its a secret.4Mom: _ you drawing a picture, Amy?Amy: No, he isnt. 看图写句1. A: Is Daming doing his homework? B:_2. A:Is Sam drawing a picture?B:_3. A:Is Amy watching tv?B:_4. A:Is Ms. Smart reading a letter?B:_ 单词翻译tidy _ room _do _ 睡 _secret _ 卡片 _ 汉英翻译1. 山姆正在画画。2. 他在做作业吗?3. 杰克正在踢足球。4. Please tidy your room.5. Its a secret.参考答案 选词填空1. Doing 2.listening 3. Drawing 4.tidying 5.is 适当形式填空1.1.Is 2.am 3.are 4.Is 看图写句1.Yes, he is.2.No, he isnt.3.No, she isnt.4.Yes, she is. 单词翻译1.整理、打扫 2.房间 3.做 4.sleep 5.秘密 6.card 汉英翻译1. Sams drawing a picture.2. Is he doing his homework.3. Jack is playing football.4. 请整理你的房间。5. 这是个秘密。
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