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1预测一Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Trend of Population based on the statistics provided in the chart below. Please give a brief description of the chart first and then make comments on it. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Trend of populationYear Population aged above 60 Proportion of total population1990 98.19 (million) 8.8%2003 136.47 (million) 10.2%2010 240 (million) 18.7%2013 430 (million) 30.5%Trend of PopulationA survey of the population aged over 60 showed that in 1990 the number was 98.19 million, consisting of 8.8% of the total population in China. Between 2003 and 2010, the number jumped from 136.47 million to 240 million. But this age group grew to about 430 million in 2013, accounting for 30.5 percent.The aging process presents societies with enormous challenges related to social security, health care and economic structure and growth. On one hand, the strain on the Social Security system for retirement benefits will increase as more people enter retirement. On the other hand, an aging population may require expensive medical treatments which again have to be funded by government. To solve the problem of the ageing population, governments need to promote diversified support systems to ensure that families and communities can support the elderly to live healthy and active lives. Firstly, plans should be made for the development of national economy. Secondly, government policies and the social insurance network should be adjusted. Whats more, more medical facilities should be made for the elderly.2【点评】文章第一段介绍了 60 岁及以上的老年人数量的增长及所占比例的增加,揭示人口老龄化这一现象;第二段分析了人口老龄化所引发的问题;第三段针对人口老龄化问题提出解决办法。第一段中 consisting of 和 accounting for 均表示“在中占比例”;第二段中Social Security system 意为“ 社会保障系统” , retirement benefits 意为“退休福利” ;第三段中 Firstly, Secondly, Whats more 意为“首先 其次再次”;social insurance network 意为“社会保障网络”。预测二Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on Happiness. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.HappinessAs is vividly depicted in the picture above, a student is trying to find the answer “What is happiness?” He is wondering at which situation he would feel happy: when he earns a lot of money, or wins true love, or just is in good health condition, or something else? Actually, there is no fixed answer to that question as it is also a question puzzling all of us.Happiness is one of lifes big mysteries. Ask different people what happiness is and you will probably get varied answers. Some believe that happiness is related to money, power and high social status as these things could give them whatever they want and make their life more enjoyable. Others think that happiness has nothing to do with material things. Its just a state of mind and an attitude towards life.Actually, happiness exists everywhere in the process of pursuing it. To be happy, you should think carefully about what is going on in your life that you really enjoy, then set realistic 3goals for yourselves and draw out plans so that they can be obtained on a daily or weekly basis.【点评】本篇写作是漫画作文写作,文章第一段描述了图片中的内容,提出文章讨论的主题-幸福是什么?第二段说明不同的人对幸福的理解不同,有些人认为幸福与金钱、权力相关,而有些人认为幸福与物质无关;第三段结合作者自己的观点认为幸福在追求幸福的过程中无处不在。第一段中 As is vividly depicted in the picture above 是漫画作文常用的开头语,意为 “以上图画生动的描绘了”,no fixed answer 意为“没有固定的答案”, puzzling 意为“(使)迷惑”;第二段中 mysteries 意为“神秘” ,money, power and high social status 指“金钱,权力和社会地位高” ,has nothing to do with 意为“与无关” ;第三段中 set realistic goals 意为 “设定较为实际的目标” , draw out plans 意为“制定计划” 。预测三Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Internet-based rumors following the outline given below. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.1. 网络谣言传播危害大2. 有何解决办法Internet-based rumorsOnline rumors refer to the use of modern communications technology to humiliate a victim and gain power over him. It may take many forms, including spreading false information, or posting embarrassing photographs. Rumors spread online tend to produce low self-esteem, depression and despair in its victims as well as induce public panic. Therefore, they have bad effects on normal social order. To create a harmonious society, measures should be taken to curb online rumors. Firstly, government should make out relevant regulations and laws to punish those who spread rumors through the Internet. Secondly, Internet companies and websites should strengthen self-discipline, target fake information with advanced technology and invest in manpower to supervise online information in order to prevent the spread of online rumors. Last but not the least, netizens should take second thoughts before they send text messages or micro messages, and make sure they will not cause chaos or ser
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