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Unit 5 Dinosaurs教案Task objectives 1. Communicate freely with others by using simple expressions and structures 2. Introduce a topic and briefly interact with others Language focus 1. D K was a long / short dinosaurs.2. It had two legs .3. It ate plants .4. It walked slowly .5. It ran/swam . It didnt run or swim .Topic words ate flew ran drank had lived run fast and so on Pre-task stage A. Pat , Koko and Tim are looking at some dinosaurs . Listen , say and act . Presentation 1. Bring a dinosaur to the classroom . And show it to the students 2. Describe it to the students . It is tall/long/strong.3. Describe what it does . It runs/swims/eats meat/plants.4. The students asked questions about what it looks like and does . 5. Play the tape for the students to listen carefully . Ask the students to repeat after the tape.Practice 1. Show the students the three dinosaurs and introduce them to the students . Play the tape . They repeat after the tape . 2. Ask the students to take turns to make sentences about them . B1 The students are telling the teacher about the dinosaurs . Look , listen and act. Presentation 1. Write sentences about Baryonyx .2. Show the students the picture about it . 3. Pay attention to the past tense of the verbs . Try to learn to use them correctly.Practice 1. Show Transparency. Play the tape . Listen and repeat . 2. Tell the students to match the present tense notes and the past tense notes by drawing lines . 3. Check the answers with the students . 4. Ask the students to read Tims notes . Write F or F for next to the sentences . B2 Read about D K . Then write about D S . 1. Show Transparency and notes on D K and D S . 2. Ask the students to work in pairs and to write the sentences . 3. Check the sentences . Tell the students to use the past tense forms. 4. Ask some students to read aloud their sentences to check the sentences with the whole class . B3 Pat is talking about a dinosaur . Listen and circle the words you hear . Then choose the dinosaur picture . 1. Play the tape . Listen and circle the words they hear .2. Check the answers with the students .C The end of the dinosaur 1. Arouse interest in the passage .Tell the students about what happened to the dinosaurs.2. Read the rubric to the students. Ask how many ideas about them . 3. Play the tape and ask them to say the sentences after it .D Read the passage again . Answer the questions .1. Read the story again and answer the questions. 2. Check the answer with the students . E Read the symbols and say the words .1. Write and explain the words to the students . 2. Play the tape and ask the students to listen to sounds and words carefully .3. Say the words slowly and clearly . 4. Play the tape several times for the students to do it well.While task stage F My super dinosaur .1. Ask the students to choose any color he likes for dinosaurs. 2. Ask the students to choose some notes he likes to describe it. G Listen and chant . 1. Play the tape for the students to listen to chant . 2. The students get into groups . Ask each group to chant along to the tape while doing the actions . H Think about it . Circle the correct answer. Ask the students to find out when man started to live on the earth and if there were any duck dinosaurs . The first men walked on the earth four million years ago . There were no ducks in the time of the dinosaurs.Post task stage 1. Further reading 2. Ask the students, How do you know about the dinosaurs? 3. Ask the students to point to a bone. Where do we find bones? What can we know about it?4. Which animals have egg What can we find out from their bones?Homework :1. Copy the words twice . 2. How much do you know about the dinosaur. Write a composition .3. Copy the text . 4. Recite the words and phrases .
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