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Unit 9 What do you want to do?Section A习题一、选择正确的选项,将单词补充完整( )1. afr d (害怕的) A. ea B. ai C. oi ( )2. sl (慢的) A. ou B. sw C. ow( )3. ch dren(孩子们) A. id B. il C.ei( )4. hist y(历史) A.or B. ar C. ri( )5. r e (乘;骑) A. id B. ad C. ed二、给下列短语选择正确的翻译( )1. roller coaster A.大转轮( )2. take photos B.过山车( )3. bumper car C.儿童节( )4. Childrens Day D.拍照( )5. big wheel E.碰碰车三、单项选择( )1. Amy is afraid roller coaster.A. of B. at C. to( )2. I want to ride the teacups.A. on B. in C. at( )3. The roller coaster is very .A. slow B. friendly C. fast( )4. June 1st is .A. childrens day B. Childrens Day C. Children Day ( )5.-What do you want to do? - I want photos.A. take B. to take C. taking参考答案:一、1-5 BCBAA二、1-5 BDECA三、1-5 ABCBB
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