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Unit 2 My bodyLesson 11 I eat with my mouth 教材分析本节课主要描述嘴除了吃东西还有很多其他的用处,帮助学生了解自身,发现嘴巴对我们的作用。 教学目标【知识与能力目标】掌握新单词:mouth, smell, drink, draw回答问题:Whats this?【过程与方法目标】通过游戏实践和生活经验结合PPT完成目标内容。【情感态度价值观目标】此培养学生学习兴趣,爱观察探索的精神。 教学重难点【教学重点】掌握新单词:mouth, smell, drink, draw回答问题:Whats this?【教学难点】帮助学生提升阅读理解能力 课前准备 PPT 教学过程Step 1. Warm upQ: How do we sing a song?Ss: We sing with my mouth.Step 2. PresentationT: What can we do with our mouth?A: I drink with my mouth.I talk with my mouth.I eat with my mouth.Step 3. Lets playAct and guessI drink with my mouth.Step 4. Game TelephoneTwo groups in this match. The teacher says a word to the first student of each group slowly, then start together say this word one by one, at last the group which is quick right is win.Step 5. HomeworkRemember the new words and listen to the tape.Play the game -I say you do. 教学反思略。
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