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On the construction unit how to strengthen the project cost control and managementONE,construction phase of the project investment decision-making According to statistics, in various stages of project construction, the investment decision-making stage of the highest degree of influence of project cost can be achieved by 70% -80%. Therefore, the investment decision-making phase of cost control is to determine the basis of project cost, which directly affects the various construction phases of project cost control is reasonable. 1. Actively carry out preparatory work before the project decision-making and seriously to collect relevant information, such as equipment operation, equipment, technical parameters need to be addressed and so on. 2. According to market demand and development prospects, rationally determine the scale of construction and construction standards. 3. Science in the project-benefit analysis, preparation of project investment estimates. Investment should be based on estimates prepared, meticulous as far as possible, and seek investment estimation as comprehensive as possible from the reality, take full account of the construction process may occur in a variety of situations and adverse effects of factors on the project cost, consider the market situation and the construction period reserve price fluctuations factor, so that investment is largely in line with reality, and leave room. To make the investment to play a real control of estimating the total project investment. TWO,construction project design stage Studies have shown that engineering design fees, although it accounted for 3% of construction costs -5%, but the impact of its project cost may exceed 75%. The design phase of the project cost management is the management of the entire project cost a decisive part. 1. To develop construction project investment objectives of the plan. In the construction plans often encounter this situation: in structure, number of storeys, geological conditions are similar cases, the designers used different base and upper part of a larger difference between concrete and steel consumption, some of the design safety factor greatly exceed the design specifications, thus causing a lot of investment waste. Thus, with the practical objective of the capital projects planning, so that designers focus on engineering design quality and functionality at the same time, will also be project investment as a design control objectives. 2. To carry out activities such as technical and economic analysis, coordination and cooperation to make the design sought to rationalize the design unit. 3. Optimum design to meet the revenue requirement of the capital projects. Preliminary design is complete, the construction unit should organize the relevant experts to design optimization, so that the final design of both the scientific and economical. 4. Vetting budget estimate, suggest improvements. The design phase and construction drawing budget estimates for a full and accurate, try not to Lou Xiang, without leaving any gaps, and to consider a variety of price fluctuations enough. THREE.the implementation phase of construction project Construction units in project implementation stages of the project cost control and management of the focus of management from the bidding, construction management, billing management of three parts to this. 1. Tender Management Construction project bidding system is a construction unit cost efficient means of control engineering, in The Peoples Republic of China Zhaotoubiaofa promulgation and implementation of public bidding activities in the actual operation is more standardized, and the legal system. The construction unit to take full advantage of this effective competition in the bidding by means of project cost control, tender documentation, specifications, rigorous becomes particularly important. Tender documents must be clear project addresses, on-site conditions, status, project outline, the scope of project tendering, project contracting methods based on valuation, engineering, advance payment and settlement progress payments, schedule quality requirements, technical requirements, evaluation rules, tender, bid opening , evaluation time, tender offer requirements, the contract price is determined, tender compliance requirements, the main terms of the contract, construction drawings and drawings Mixed flow map; A content, BOQ and other substantive contents of the other bidders but also a clear unified pricing caliber, unified measurement basis for a reasonable price, etc. The general terms in order to choose the right construction unit signed tight construction contracts, so as to enhance the quality of the tendering exercise. 2. Construction Management The project construction phase, due to engineering design has been completed while the volume has been completely specific, and completed the construction of the tendering exercise and to enter into an
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