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Period OneGetting Ready & Reading()基础落实.单词检测1n.原子,微粒_;炸弹_;疾病,呕吐_;辐射;放射物_; 化镭_;头昏眼花,眩晕_;传说;传奇人物_;和平;安静_;纪念碑/馆,历史遗迹,不朽作品_2v.轰炸,投弹于_;伤害;使受伤;损害_;包,折叠_;展开,开放,显露_3adj.原子的_;有病的,恶心的_;正常的,精神健全的_;反常的,不正常的_;极度的,极端的_;头晕目眩的,眩晕的_;神圣的,神的_;平静的,和平的_.短语检测1死于_2忘记关于的事_3倒下_4躺在地上_5在那时_6因而感到惊奇_7成立一个俱乐部_8为了_9聚集起来做_.同义词语替换1We are working under very_great pressure at the moment._2This will damage the companys reputation._3Things soon returned to usual_level._4We were_surprised_by his generosity._5He went to a big city with_the_aim_of finding a job._.选词填空1We _ his knowledge of Chinese literature.2The letter was in my pocket _.3He is _ good a teacher _ every student loves and respects him.4The soldier _ a wound in the breast.5_ that,English began to be spoken in many other countries.单项填空1The songs that_ many young people will be quickly popular all over the country.Aattach to Battend toCkeep to Dcater to2_what has recently been done to provide more buses for the people,a shortage of public vehicles remains a problem.AExcept for BDue toCBecause of DIn spite of3The player was badly_in the accident.Ahurted BinjuredCwounded Dinjuried4Elephants would_if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished.Adie down Bdie outCdie away Ddie off来源:学科网5The smell from this room is terrible.I feel_.Asick BillCscared Dhappy6A terrible earthquake broke out in Chile,_hundreds of people.Akilled BkillingChaving killed Dto kill7He wore an_look when he heard the_news.Aamazed;amazing来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_KBamazing;amazedCamazed;amazedDamazing;amazing8The teacher was so angry at all_Jim had done_his face turned red.Athat;that Bwhat;thatCthat;what Dwhat;what9Letterboxes are much more_in the UK than in the US,where most people have a mailbox instead.Acommon BnormalCordinary Dusual10In order to meet my uncle at the station,I went there by taxi_by bus.Ain spite of Bin favor ofCin case of Dinstead of能力提升阅读理解Michael,a typical American,stays at home on workdays.He plugs into his personal computer terminal(终端机) in order to connect with the office.After work,he puts on his headphones,watches a movie on his home video recorder,or plays baseball on the computer.On many days,Michael doesnt talk to any other human beings,and he doesnt see any people except the ones on television.Michael is imaginary(虚构的),but his lifestyle is very possible.The inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from contact with our fellow human beings.The world of business is one area in which technology is isolating us.Experts say,for example,that many people will soon be able to work at home.With access to a large central computer,employees such as office clerks,insurance agents,and accountants could do their jobs at display terminals in their own homes.They would never have to actually see the people theyre dealing with.In addition,the way employees are paid will change.Workers salaries will be automatically paid into their bank accounts,making paper checks unnecessary.No workers will stand in line to receive their pay or cash their checks.Personal banking will change,too.Customers will deal with machines to put in or take out money from their accounts.Another area that technology is changing is entertainment.Music,for instance,was once a group experience.People listened to music at concert halls or in small social gatherings.For many people now,however,music is an individual experience.Walking along the street or sitting in their living rooms,they wear headphones to build a wall of music around them.Movie entertainment is changing,too.Movies used to be social events.Now,fewer people are going out to see a movie.Many more are choosing to wait for a film to appear on television or are borrowing videotapes to watch at home.Instead of laughing with others,viewers watch movies in their own living rooms.1After work,Michael likes to _.Alisten to music at the concert hallBwatch a movie in his living roomCrun a program on his computer in his office来源:Z&xx&k.ComDplay basebal
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