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UNIT 5 WHICH KIND WOULD YOU LIKELesson 15 教案2Teaching aims:1. Students learn how to ask others to choose something when shopping and how to choose. Use this sentence structure:-Which kind you like, the long one or the short one? -The long one, please.2. Learn some new words.3. Revise some opposite words, such as: long - short, big - small, fat - thin, thick - thin, tall - short, beautiful - ugly, dirty - clean, hot - cold, warm - cool, hard - soft, cheap - expensive, interesting - boring, etc.3. Try to read a story.4. Learn an English chant.Teaching methods:Reading / Listening / Talking / Singing / Play GamesTeaching aids:Computer / TV / a tape recorder / brushTeaching steps:Period 1Step 1 Warm-up1. Greetings between the teacher and the students.2. Show the word cards which have been learned in the last class, let students read them quickly.Step 2 Presentation1. Teacher shows the students a thick dictionary, and asks them what it is. Then teacher shows them a thin English book, and asks them what it is. Then let students say their different points. Yes, one book is thick, the other one is thin. Then lead to read the two words, thick and thin.2. This time teacher shows a picture of rock and a picture of pillow, and also asks them what it is, and if there is anything different between these two things, maybe the students will say one is hard and the other one is soft in Chinese, then the teacher writes these two words on the blackboard, hard and soft, and teach them how to pronounce these two words.3. Then teacher writes the word cheap on the blackboard, lets students find the opposite word for cheap, and after the students say out the word expensive, teacher writes the word on the blackboard.4. This time, teacher asks the students to find other pairs of opposite words, and write them on the blackboard. And at last, asks the students to copy them down on their own notebook, and read them out loudly.5. Teacher shows two books, tell them one is 15 yuan and the other one is 50 yuan, asks them which kind do they like.6. Teacher plays the tape of Part A, lets students try to understand its meaning, and then read after it.7. Then read the text again, and finish the questionnaires.Step 3 Consolidation1. Give the students three minutes to practice the conversation by themselves, then ask some pairs of students to act their dialogue in the class. 2. Find some pairs of opposite words, such as:long - short, cheap expensive, hard - soft, clean dirty, interesting - boring, old - young, new - old, tall - short, hot - cold, beautiful - ugly, thick - thin, good - bad3. Ask the students to find more opposite words.Period 2Step 1 Warm-up1. Sing the song together: How much is the doggie in the window?2. Ask the student to make a dutys report.3. Revise the opposite words.Step 2 Presentation1. Ask and answer some questions, such as: Which rulers do you want, a new one or an old one?S1: I want a new one.T: Which books do you want, a thick one or a thin one?S2: I want a thin one.2. Give the students three minutes to read the story in Part D by themselves. Ask them to circle the difficult words. Then try to answer these questions, such as:How many people are there in the conversation?Who are they?What are they shopping for?What did they buy?Did Peter want a long scarf or a short one?3. The teacher play the tape of Part D, and ask the students to translate it into Chinese sentence by sentence.4. Play the tape again, this time ask the students to imitate after the tape.5. Finish the exercises in Part E, and then correct the answers in the class.Step 3 Consolidation1. Learn to say the chant in Part F.2. Do the exercises in the Workbook.Homework1. Read the words and sentences of this Unit.2. Do some exercises in exercise books.
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