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Unit 7 Eating out,猜一猜下列食物的名字!,hamburger,sandwich,dumplings,a packet of fries,a bowl of noodles,a cup of tea,a glass of juice,pizza,At a restaurant.,Good morning.Can I help you?,Good moring. Yes I am hungery.,What would you like?,Id like a hamburger and a pizza.,OK, here you are.,Thank you.,语法小知识 (请读一读),可数名词和不可数名词前面都可以加上不同的量词短语 a-of ,能够准确地表达出它的数量及状态,如: a packet of fires, two pieces of cake. three bags of apples. 当量词短语表达的数量不止一个时,需要用复数形式,如: two cups of , three packets of , four glasses of.,3 sandwiches,a cup of tea,two cups of tea,I am going to have two cups of tea,a hamburger,two hamburgers,Role play(角色扮演),Pleasant Goat(喜羊羊)今天过生日,邀请了Bird 和 Lion两位同学们参加他的生日聚会,生日聚会在餐厅举行。 Bird, Lion: Happy birthday. Goat: Thank you. Lets go to the restaurant. Waiter: Good morning. Goat: Good morning. Waiter: Can I help you? Goat: Yes, I am going to have a piece of cake and a bowl of n noodles. What would you like? Bird: I d like some dumplings and a glass of juice. Lion: I am going to have an egg and a sandwich. Waiter: OK , Please wait (等待) Goat, Bird, Lion : Thank you!,生活小常识,从美国那里,中国模仿到的是最糟糕的东西洋快餐”。“洋快餐”具有三高(高热量、高脂肪、高蛋白质)和三低(低矿物质、低维生素和低膳食纤维)的特点。营养学家为“洋快餐”取了个绰号叫做“能量炸弹”和“垃圾食品”。因为吃一顿洋快餐,就等于你一天能量消耗的下限。美国国会议员、营养学家和消费者协会声称:肥胖和吸烟一样,已成为公众健康问题,号召“把快餐赶出校园”。,Bye-bye!,
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