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看美剧摩登家庭学口语(21)剧情梗概:Mitchell在家中又被老爸忽略了,心中不免有些失落。老爸Jay赶忙过来安慰,还谈及自己瞒着家人想参加宠物选秀活动。不过他的描述差一点被Michell误会了.对话文字:Jay: Look. If it seems sometimes like we dont notice you, maybe that is because we are focusedon our own stupid problems. And youre so steady.Mitchell: Oh, you mean boring.Jay: No.Mitchell: Yeah.Jay: Calm. Because you live your life the way you want to. In fact, you inspired me recently.Mitchell: Oh, how so?Jay: Fine. Ive been going through this thing recently. It all starts when I noticed a group of guys in the corner in the park. And, uh, honestly, when I first found out what they were doing, I thought it was kind of weird, but I found I kept thinking about it. And I thought Id *give it a whirl.Mitchell: Okokay. Go on.Jay: I think you know where Im going with this, but one of the older guys showed me the ropes. Next thing I know, Im hanging out at that park in that corner every day and loving it. But I must have also got some shame about it because it feels good when Im doing it, but Is that me now? A guy with a show dog.Mitchell: There it is! Okay, seem I-I knew what it wasnt. I just wasnt sure what it was.Jay: In fact, theres a show right now. Butah, Im not gonna go.Mitchell: No, no. DI can tell this is important to you.Jay: No.Mitchell: You you should go. You should go.Jay: I dont want to sneak out, and I dont want people to know about it.Mitchell: Dad. A wise man once told me, “I dont get it, but if thats who you are, dont you dare be ashamed of it.”Jay: I did handle that kind of well.Mitchell: Yeah, yeah, wellJay: And it wasnt easy. I just never pictured my kid a lawyer.对话精讲:Give it a whirl:在俚语中的意思是”尝试一下,试一试“。比如,Im not sure Ill like skiing, but Ill give it a whirl.(我不确定自己喜不喜欢滑雪,不过我想试一下。)表示想试试看,英文里我们还常用:have a try 或者 give sth. a try。
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