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Unit 2 Wish you were here project 课件,1.Go traveling to Shangri-la. 2.Make a travel leaflet for a place you like.,Aims:,1.Where is Shangri-la ? 2.Who first talked about Shangri-la ? 3.What does the word Shangri-la mean ?,Task one Fast-reading,In the southwest of China, 659km away from Kunming.,1.Where ?,2.Who first talked about Shangri-la ?,James Hilton, a British writer,wrote the novel Last Horizon in 1933.,3.What does the word Shangri-la mean ?,The word is from the Tibetan language.It means the sun and the moon in ones heart.Today it has become a common English word,meaning heaven on earth.,Read the leaflet carefully and try to find the sentences used to describe the beauty of Shangri-la .,Task two Careful-reading, a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together, snow-capped mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth. Lakes, surrounded by vast grasslands, look like jewels. Sheep, cows and horses feed freely on the green grass and the forests around are home to lots of birds and animals., Three mountains,Meili, Baimang and Haba, which are covered with snow, tower over the land. These snowy mountain tops form a beautiful picture that will make any viewer speechless,Task three Listen and find out the writing features of a travel leaflet., brief introduction of the place history and culture description of the scenery how to get to the place what the weather is like,Go traveling to more places, and enjoy the beauty of nature.,Love nature, love our country!,Language points,1.reach V. (常与out,for连用) 伸手 He reached out (his hands) for a piece of cake., 达到,达成 reach an agreement with 与达成协议, vi. 达到(某个范围或程度),reach to ,In my study ,there is a bookshelf that reaches up to the ceiling., n.伸手可及的距离,2. perfect: 完美无暇的,His reading is perfect 他的朗读好极了. The weather during the last few days has been perfect .,Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧,彻底的, 完全的,a perfect fool,within ones reach out of ones reach=beyond ones reach,3spot She had spots on her face when she was ill. This is a nice spot for a house. This is the spot where he was murdered.,on the spot 立刻;当场;在现场,斑点;污点;地点;场所,4claim,vt.(根据权利)要求,认领,声称, I claimed the coat that the teacher found. Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea. He claimed that he had done the work without help.,5tower,vi.高耸;超过(above),Skyscrapers tower over the city 摩天大厦高耸在这座城市中.,He towered above/over his classmates.,n.塔 the Eiffel Tower 艾菲尔铁塔,6.form n. 形体;方式; 仪式;表格, vi. vt.形成,养成;培养;组织;成立,in the form of 以形式,A plan began to form in his mind. We should form good habits. He thought of forming a club .,7.surround vt. 环绕,pleasant surroundings,be surrounded with/ by,surrounding adj.四周的,附近的,the surrounding scenery 四周的风景,surroundings n. 周围;环境,They worked in perfect harmony.,(be) in harmony with (be) out of harmony with,In beautiful picture there is harmony between the different colors.,8.harmony 调和,一致;和谐 My cat and dog live in perfect harmony.,10.common,have a lot / much / little .in common In common with 与有共同点,公用的,公共的 常见的,常有的 普通的,熟悉的,a common cup the common people common knowledge,公用杯子,老百姓,常识,usual 意为”通常的,往常的”指在某一地方,某一时间或某一身上所常见的.,区别:common ,usual 与normal,common 普通的,常见的;不足为奇的,My usual chair has been moved from its usual place As usual, he got up very early.,These birds are very common here. Snow is common in cold countries.,normal:正常的,标准的,normal working hours正常的工作时间 return to normal恢复常态,Thanks!,
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