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? ? ? ?. ? ? ? ? ? ? CONTENTS 3/78 ? ? 4?4? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1?1? ? ? ?50 ? ?V? ?:?-?0 ?0 ?V? ? ? ?V? ? ?0 ? 0 ? ?7? ? ? ? ?2?a?1? ? ? ? 9? ? ?8?8 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1?1? ? ?1?1? ? ? ? ?M?g?w?o?t?S?i?1?5? N?G?nh?c?a?e?r? ?i?N?u?wC?l? ?K?Mg?p?a?e?m? ? S?i?k?S?d?2?0? ? ? ? ?s? ?6?h?1?o?, Google announced its “knowledge graph” today and describes it as “an intelligent modelin geek-speak, a graph that understands real-world entities and their relationships to one another: things, not strings. ?1?1?i?g?r? tt?,?1?i?,?g?n?,? ? ?(mapping world knowledge) ? ? ?Web?KR?NLP?Web?AI?DB? ? ? 1960?1980?1989?1998?2006?2012? ? Web ? ? ? Web ? NLP ? KR ? ? DB ? AI ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? OIL?DAML? ? ? ? OWL RIF RDFRDFS ? ? ?2?2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0 FlockDBInfiniteGraph? RDFXHTMLRDFa Microformat RDF RDF HTML5Microdata JSON-LD Neo4jGraphDB ? ? ? ? ? ? l?P?P? ? ?F?F?T?T? l?G?G? l?F?F?R?D?G?R?D?G? ? ? n.-.-? ?/J?EJAN?8?JGEJ?/J?EJAN?8?JGEJ?DOOL?AJ?EJAN ?I?AJ?M?JGEJ? ?6A?F?R?S ?MG4?E? R?4S ?:EO?J?R?S ?7MEAJO.- R?TX?S ?EMO?N?R8.0TV?S ?3AJ?R8.0S ?9AN?IAR8.0S ?M?J?.-R?S ?A?M?1M?LDR8.0S ?A?M?E?R?S ?9O?M?R8.0S ?2JBEJEOA1M?LDR?S ?9L?MGNAAR?S ?NO?MAR8.0S ?-ME?DONO?M.-R8.0S ? ? n? p?R?R?R?R? ? p? ? p?F?D?F?D? ? ? ?(mapping world knowledge) 26/78 ? ?Knowledge Graph?Graph? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?)? ?()? ?9? ? ?2? ? ? 6?6? ?7?9?9? ?3?2?1?6? ?0? ? ? ? ?(,?)?1?3?E?G? ?h?V?a? ?p?o?a? ?T?a? ?r?r?e?3a?V ? ? ?e? ? ? ? ? ?3r?3g?em?o? ?3r?f?a?su? ?H ? ?nr?3?3 ?t?i? ?I3?I?I?I3?t?I? ?i? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?5? ? ?3? ?3? ? ? ? ?m?C? ?g?e? ?ak?g?nR? ?t?u? ?y? ? R? ? ?io?o?D?P?io? ?)? ?c? m?(?)?) ? ? ?7? C?3?e? N? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? n? ? ? ? ? n? ? ?2? n? ?4?2? n? ? ? n4? ?4? ? ? ? ? n?d?e?4?g?i? vt? n?3? ?r?o? n?1?Tt?:V?1?22?na?
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