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连接控制图方法与流程改进方法 Link Control Chart methods to the Process Improvement Methodology TM 讨论不同类型的变差 Discuss different types of variation 介绍各种类型的控制图 Introduce various types of Control Charts 讨论如何解释控制图 Discuss the interpretation of Control Charts,目的 Objectives,我们是否应该采取行动? Should we take action?,每天我们都被数据淹没,而且不得不作出决定 Every day we are flooded by data and we are forced to make decisions,工厂产量下降 Plants Output Decreases By 4% 美国贸易赤字增加亿 US Trade Deficit Rises By $40Billion 某公司获利比上季度降低亿 Company Xs Earnings Are Off $240Million From Previous Quarter,我们需要解释数据的方法 We Need Ways to Interpret Data,今天采集什么样的数据? What Type Of Data Is Collected Today?,制造业 Manufacturing : _ 非制造业 Non-Manufacturing _,如何分析数据? How Is It Analyzed?,制造业 Manufacturing : _ 非制造业 Non-Manufacturing _,得知数据好坏后该当如何? What Happens If It Is Bad / Good?,制造业 Manufacturing : _ 非制造业 Non-Manufacturing _ _,客户需求下限 Lower “Customer” Requirement,这一方法 THIS METHOD 告诉你关于客户的需求 Tells you where you are in regards to customers needs 不告诉你怎么满足用户需求及下一步怎么办 It will NOT tell you how you got there or what to do next,客户需求上限 Upper “Customer” Requirement,我们管理数据的方式过去(历史来讲)的方式 The Way We Manage Data Historically,不用管它,不会坏的 Leave It Alone.It Aint Broke,痛苦,受累 Pain & Suffering,痛苦,受累 Pain & Suffering,这一方法导致何种管理行为? This method causes what type of management behavior?,客户需求下限 Lower “Customer” Requirement,客户需求上限 Upper “Customer” Requirement,我们管理数据的方式历史来讲的方式 The Way We Manage Data Historically,不用管它,不会坏的 Leave It Alone.It Aint Broke,痛苦,受累 Pain & Suffering,痛苦,受累 Pain & Suffering,2,3,Scrap Level (%)废品率,1,1996,Celebration Time,工厂废品率为年度最低的 The factory scrap level is at a year low of 2% 经理给工厂颁奖 Manager presents an award to the plant 在餐厅进行庆祝:每人都可分享免费皮萨饼和饮料 Ceremony in the cafeteria: pizza and refreshments for all! “每人都应为他们的成就骄傲” “Everyone should be proud of what theyve accomplished”.,Derived from Understanding Variation: The Key To Managing Chaos, Donald J. Wheeler, SPC Press. 1993.,年月 APRIL 1996,J F M A,2,3,1,1996,经理希望能将发出去的奖收回来 Manager wants to take back award,废品率连续三个月持续增长 Three consecutive months of scrap increases. 经理希望能将发出去的奖收回来 Manager wishes he could take back the award 经理考虑要采取行动了 Manager is thinking about taking action,Scrap Level (%)废品率,年月 JUNE 1996,Derived from Understanding Variation: The Key To Managing Chaos, Donald J. Wheeler, SPC Press. 1993.,J F M A M J,2,3,1,1996,No more “Nice Guy”不再充好人了,废品率上升到 Scrap rises to a value of 2.6% 经理决定采取行动 Manager decides to take action 召开一个“特别会议”来寻求一个永久性的解决方案 A “special meeting” is called to solve this problem once and for all. 经理在长篇大论次品率多么重要后离开了雇员们不知道该干什么另外,他们有其他更重要的评估标准于是,他们什么也没做 After a sound lecture on the importance of scrap, the manager leaves. Employees arent sure what to do. Besides, they have other metrics which have more importance. So they do nothing.,Scrap Level (%)废品率,年月 NOVEMBER 1996,Derived from Understanding Variation: The Key To Managing Chaos, Donald J. Wheeler, SPC Press. 1993.,J F M A M J J A S O N,经理看到从去年开始废品率持续下降 Manager has seen reduced scrap levels since the end of last year 教训:“严格的管理会出成效!” The Learning : “A tough management style gets results!”,Manager concludes: “Tough Love Makes Things Happen”,2,3,1,1996,1997,Scrap Level (%)废品率,1997年6月 JUNE 1997,Derived from Understanding Variation: The Key To Managing Chaos, Donald J. Wheeler, SPC Press. 1993.,J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J,Derived from Understanding Variation: The Key To Managing Chaos, Donald J. Wheeler, SPC Press. 1993.,将数据置于统计流程控制图中 Putting The Data In A SPC Chart,2,3,1,1996,1997,Scrap Level (%)废品率,J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J,UCL,LCL,统计流程控制图显示不同的解释,可为什么呢? SPC Tells A Different Story. But Why?,2,3,1,1996,1997,Scrap Level (%)废品率,J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J,UCL,LCL,“人们已知的最佳方式之一是如不能使用控制图分析数据会: 增加成本, 浪费的努力和降低士气; “ - Donald J. Wheeler 博士 “Failure to use control charts to analyze data is one of the best ways known to mankind to: increase costs waste effort and lower morale.” - Dr. Donald J. Wheeler,统计流程控制图显示不同的解释,可为什么呢? SPC Tells A Different Story, But Why?,S = 统计技术: 检查偏差 Statistical techniques used to examine process variation,C = 控制过程通过积极管理 Controlling the process through active management,P = 过程, 任何过程 Process, ANY Process,现在我们管理数据的方法 - SPC The Way We Manage Data - Today SPC,显示过程偏差随时间变化的图形,控制图方法 Control Charts Method 它从哪里来的? Where Did It Come From?,19世纪20 年代- 西部电器 的 Walter Shewhart博士: 1920s - Western Electric / Dr. Walter Shewhart 惯于确认受控的& 未受控的偏差 Used to identify Controlled & Uncontrolled Variation 受控制的:普通原因或固有偏差 Controlled: Common Cause or Inherent Variation 未控制的:特殊起因或可指定的偏差 Uncontrolled: Special Cause or Assignable Variation 在背景噪声中试图发现由特殊原因造成的偏差 Tries to find the special cause variation in all of the background noise 使用控制图作为主要工具 Uses Control Charts as main
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