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初二英语形容词的比较级外研社(新目标)【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:形容词的比较级二. 用法:用于两者(人或物)之间,表示“其中一个比另一个更”或“较”,后面通常用连词than连结另一个比较的对象,其基本句型是:主语谓语(系动词)形容词比较级than对比对象。ex. Jim is taller than Mike. Mike is shorter than Jim. Its hotter today than it was yesterday. 三. 构成:比较级的构成分为规则变化和不规则变化。(一)规则变化:1. 单音节词尾er:cold colder, talltaller, short shorter, small smaller, long longer, old older(旧的)2. 单音节词以e结尾的,只加r:large larger, finefiner, nice nicer. 3. 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,要双写词尾加er: bigbigger, thinthinner, hothotter, wetwetter4. 以辅音字母加y结尾的单音节词和部分双音节词变比较级时,先变y为i,再加er: earlyearlier, busybusier, easyeasier, heavyheavier, dry drier, sunnysunnier, happyhappier. 5. 多音节词或部分双音节词变比较级时,在前面加more: friendly more friendly, carefulmore careful, outgoing more outgoing interesting more interesting, difficultmore difficult 6. 部分双音节词的比较级有两种变化方式: (二)不规则变化good /well better, bad/illworse, many/muchmore,oldolder/elder, farfarther/further, littleless四. 原级和比较级前面通常使用的修饰词:(一)在原级前面通常使用very, quite, too, much too, a little, as, so 等。 ex: 1. The room is very big. 2. The person is quite clever. 3. Today is too hot. 4. He eats too much, so hes much too heavy. 5. Im a little hungry, Id like something to eat. 6. Jim is as tall as Tom. 7. Your English is so good. (二)在比较级前面使用的修饰词有:even(更,更加),a little(有点),far/ much/ a lot (更加,的多)ex: 1. Yesterday was hot, but today is even hotter. 2. Im a little taller than Mary. 3. This skirt is far/ much/ a lot more beautiful than that one. 五. 使用比较级时应注意的问题(错题分析)1. Your hair is longer than me. 2. The weather in Beijing is colder than Guangzhou. 3. Picking apples is much better than have class. 4. Jim is younger than any student in his class. 5. The Changjiang River is longer than all the rivers in China. 6. Jim from Class 1 is taller than any other student in Class 2. 7. Lucy is more outgoing than anyone in her class. 8. Of the two boys, Mike is more interesting. 9. Who is more beautiful of the twins? 10. Who is busier of your parents? 11. Which is good, this one or that one? 12. Im good at English than my sister. 13. The busier he is, happier he feels. 14. The more careful you are, the good grades you get. 15. The city becomes more beautiful and more beautiful. 16. The weather is getting cold and colder. 17. Her older brother is a worker. 18. Bob is elder than Bill. 19. Science isnt as more interesting as art. 20. The question is much too harder. 【典型例题】一、汉译英:1、我妈妈越来越健康了。 My mother is _ _ _. 2、学英语越来越有趣了。 _ English is _ _ _ _. 3、你越认真,你的英语就会越好。 _ _ _ you are, _ _ your English will be. 4、多多益善。 _ _, the _. 5、Mike比他的两个哥哥都胖。 Mike is _ _ his two brothers. 6、Bob是他班里英语最棒的。 Bob is _ _ English _ any _ student in his class. 7、数学和地理哪科更难? Which is _ _, math _ geography? 8、这两个男孩中谁最高? Who is _ _ of the two boys? 9、中国的人口比日本的多。 The population of China is _ than _ of Japan. 10、我的房间比她的大。 My room _ _ than _. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. His _ (old) brother is 20 years old. 2. My home is _ (far) than _ (you). 3. Bill is _ (heavy) of the two. 4. Which do you like _ (well), red or yellow? 5. Soccer is much _ (popular) in our school. 6. Chinese isnt so _(difficult) as math. 7. Today is a little _ (cold). 8. This one is much too _ (expensive). Can you show me a _(cheap) one? 【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟)一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Yesterday was even _ (cold). 2. Tom is heavy, Jack is as _(heavy) as Tom. 3. If you work harder, your English will be _(good). 4. My sister speaks English as _(good) as me. 5. Which do you like _(well), this one or that one? 6. Mike is _ (thin) of the two brothers. 7. Nobody is _ (clever) than Jane in our class. 8. The elephant is _ (big) than the horse. 9. Your sweater is much _ (expensive) than mine. 10. Our village is getting more and _ (beautiful). 二、根据汉语提示完成句子。1、天气越来越热了。 The weather is getting _ _ _. 2、你锻炼越多,你就越健康。 _ _you exercise, _ _ you will be. 3、他比他的两个哥哥都高。 He is _ _ his two brothers. 4、英语是这两门课程中最有趣的。 English is _ _ _of the two subjects. 5、这个女孩很友好,她的姐姐更友好。 The girl is _, her sister is _ _. 三、句型转换。1. John is tall. Tom is taller. (合并为一句) John is _ _ Tom. 2. Mike is 12 years old. Jack is 11 years old. (合并为一句) Jack is _ _
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