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第二部分 专题部分 第 一 章 补 全 对 话,【题型分解】,该题型是近几年增加的一个新题型,取代了之前的语音题。总共有5个小题,共10分。每小题为一个不完整的简短对话,考生在理解的基础上从所提供的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,将对话补全。本题型主要考查学生的基本会话能力,包括社会交往、态度、情景、情感等。,【方法指导】,1.熟悉句型结构,增强理解能力; 2.熟悉中、英两种文化差异,掌握两个不同民族的交际习惯方式; 3.广泛阅读,积累各种情景中交际应酬的用语,从而提高交际能力。,1.Go for a picnic this weekend,will you? .I love getting close to nature. A.I couldn t agree more B.I m afraid not C.I believe not D.I don t think so,【解题思路】从第二句我们得知,答者“喜欢亲近大自然”,那当然是想去了。I couldn t agree more是表示非常赞成别人的说话,意思是“我非常赞同”。因此答案是A。,2.Sir,how do you like your steak cooked? . A.Well-done,please B.Wonderful C.It s delicious D.Three,please,【解题思路】从第一句我们知道这是餐厅的服务生和顾客之间的对话。服务生问的是“先生,你想要你的牛排怎么做?”,回答应该是“全熟”或“几成熟”等,所以答案应选A。,3.Do you mind my taking this seat? . A.Yes,sit down,please B.No,of course not C.Yes,take it,please D.No,you can t take it,【解题思路】注意mind这个单词,如用Yes回答则表示“介意”,用No回答才是表示“不介意”。要表示“不介意”才可以“坐”,所以答案选B。,4.Would you like some more soup? .It s delicious,but I have had enough. A.Yes,please B.No,thank you C.Nothing more D.I d like some,【解题思路】根据所给对话我们知道,问的是“你还要不要汤”,回答是“味道很好,但我够了”,那也就是不要了,所以选B。,5.You can teach me English and I can teach you Chinese. . A.The same to you B.What a pity C.Me,too D.That s a deal,【解题思路】第一句的意思为“你可以教我英语,我可以教你中文”,应答A的意思是“你也是一样”,B的意思是“真可惜”,C的意思是“我也是”,都与题意不符合。选项D的意思为“成交”,说明答者赞同说话者的提议,所以该题选D。,6.How s everything going? Fine,thanks.How are you doing? . A.I m 16 B.Yes,it s good C.Oh,not too bad D.See you then,【解题思路】准确理解How are you doing?的意思,是用来询问对方近来如何,所以答案选C。,7. . Can you tell me the way to the railway station? It s not far from here.Go along this street.Turn right at the second crossing.The railway station is on your left. Thank you very much. A.Hello B.Good afternoon C.Pardon D.Excuse me,【解题思路】是问路时的对话。我们中国人问路时,往往会说“你好!请问”,而英语的表达是Excuse me。因此答案选D。,8.How do you like the book? . A.I like it very much B.I don t like it C.I think it s interesting D.I don t know,【解题思路】从第一句,我们可以看出,说话人是在询问对方对这本书的评价及看法,而不是真的在问对方是否喜欢这本书,因此答案选C。,9.Can you lend me your car,Jack? Sorry.My car broke down on my way to work.It s being repaired. . A.Thank you B.Thanks a lot C.It s OK D.Thank you all the same,【解题思路】当得到别人的帮助是说“Thank you”、“Thanks a lot”等。而当别人无法提供帮助时,依然会表示感谢,会说“Thank you all the same”。因此答案选D。,10.I m taking my GRE test tomorrow. ! A.Cheers B.Good luck C.Come on D.Congratulations,【解题思路】Good luck在英语中是用得非常广泛的表祝愿的用语。当别人参加考试或比赛等时都可用此语。因此选B。而中国人有时会说“加油”“努力”等话语,易错选为C。,【强化训练】 (一),1.Hello.Is Jack at home? No,he s out.May I take a message? Yes. . A.Thank you B.Tell him Henry called C.Tell him Henry is calling D.It s Henry calling,【答案】 B (May I take a message?打电话时的常用语,意思是:我可以替他留言吗?从回答“Yes.”,我们知道是要留言。接下来就是要留言的内容了。),2.Excuse me! . How can I get to the nearest post office? A.That s Ok. B.What s wrong? C.Yes? D.Pardon.,【答案】C (前面说“请打扰一下!” 这里的“Yes?”表示回应,是反问语气,表示询问对方有什么事。),3.Excuse me,could you tell me how I can get to the Nile Hostel? Sorry,I m a stranger here. . A.Thanks a lot B.That s a pity C.Thanks anyway D.I m very sorry to hear it,【答案】 C (当向别人请求帮助,但没有得到帮助时,还是要表示感谢。),4.I put him down as a well-educated man. . I mean that he s a well-educated man. A.I beg your pardon. B.Speak louder,will you? C.What s that? D.Will you repeat word for word?,【答案】 A (当没听清楚别人所说的话,请别人重复时的用语。),5.Would you like to go to the party with me? Sorry,I have to go back home early.My grandpa felt ill this morning. Oh, You d better go home early. A.take your time. B.sorry to hear that. C.how was he. D.don t worry!,【答案】 B (听到别人的一些不好的事情时的反应。比如你朋友说家人生病了,或升职、考试失败了等,都可以这样说。意为:听到此事,我感到很遗憾。),(二),1.Excuse me,madam.Do you mind if I smoke here? . Oh,I m sorry.Then I go somewhere else. A.Well,yes,but actually,this is a non-smoking area. B.Of course not.This is a non-smoking area. C.No,I m sorry.No one can smoke here. D.All right,it s none of my business.,【答案】 A (注意mind提问的句子,肯定回答表示介意,否定回答才是表示不介意。从后面句子中说“Then I go somewhere else.” 说明回答者是介意的。),2. ? I m feeling much better. Go on taking the tablets as I told you.You will be OK soon. Thank you very much. A.Good morning.May I help you? B.What s wrong with you C.Good morning.Anything to declare D.How are you feeling today,【答案】 D (从后面的回答“Im feeling much better.”知道问的是“今天好些了吗?”),3.You look worried,Jimmy.What s the matter with you? I ve lost 5000. . A.Don t be too sad. B.Oh,how dreadful! C.Be careful. D.Is it your fault?,【答案】 B (对方告诉你他掉了5000块钱时,你回答:太糟糕了!),4.Could you tell me the entrance to the subway? .Go down this corridor and turn left.You will find it on your right. Thank you very much. A.Sure,my pleasure. B.Don t ask me. C.I don t know. D.Not my business.,【答案】 A (从后面的句子知道是告诉了对方怎么样去地铁口。),5.Hi,Chris.Do you fancy going for lunch? . Shall we say twelve thirty? All right,see you then. A.Yeah,I do. B.Yeah,why not? C.What would you say? D.When shall we say?,【答案】 B (从后面的句子定时间来看,是同意去吃午餐的。Why not?是用来表示赞同。),(三),1.This is my schoolmate,Mary.And this is my girlfriend,Susan. How do you do? How
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