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课 题Review 2设 计 者教学目标1. Can listensay:the words of Unit7-Unit 12,and can use them.2. With the help of the pictures,or by themselves and teachers.3. Develop your self-confidence and join hands(自信合作);love others(爱他人)。教学重点the words of Unit7-Unit 12,and can use them.教学用具tape puppetstoyspictures教学时间第一课时教学过程教学活动 二次备课warm upnew keys1.greet each other(say hello to each other)2. chant together3. Review:unit7-12 sentences.1. 完成listen,say and act部分(1)Today I bring you a friend. It can swim.It can fly. It can sing and dance. It lives in water. Can you guess what it is?领读swan,并介绍goose.(look, listen and say)They look like each other(read and practice)(2)play the tape(follow the tape)What can Swan and goose do?Swancan_ and_.Goosecan_and_,too.Swancan_and_.Goosecan_and_,too.Swan_fly.Butgoose_fly. 2. 完成Read,choose and say部分(read act and practice by groups)3.完成Lets check部分(1)practice: I can _with my_(2)以小组为单位复述4.完成Lets chant部分I can see,I can see,I can see with my eyes.( chant in groups)free talk. Sing a song. Watch PPT Learn the new words. Practice in groups. Do the dialogue. Ask one by one. Play the pictures of PPT. 教学过程教 学 活 动二次备课summarysay the contentsHomework:review2Let students practice.板书设计Review 2 Hello,everyone.Im_.I can _.I can _and _.I can _.I can do a lot of things. What can you do?教学反思老师努力为学生创设一种学习情景,让学生在一种宽松,民主,和谐的氛围中学习新句型,单词。思考到四年级的孩子已学过英语,有了必要的基础,所以在组织课堂教学时,始终采用英语,让学生完全沉浸在一种英语学习氛围中,同时也以这种氛围感染每一位学生,大胆开口说英语。
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