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原文地址:木材简卡硬度 Janka 作者:rbt01 Janka 硬度主要测试表面硬度而非端面硬度。Janka 单位是磅,转化为牛顿(Pa 压强标准单位,N/cm2)要乘以 4.44。 2000: 硬 3000: 甚硬 4000: 超硬 5000: 极硬 我们的紫檀 2940,大红酸枝 2260,属于硬类,上面还有 3 层超硬类。 超级硬木族 Schinoposis , 辛诺普西 Guaiacum, 怪爱可,愈疮木,中国用名为铁梨木。属疾藜科 Acacia, 爱可夏,阿拉伯树胶;刺槐;金合欢属 Xanthostemon ,仙草斯泰姆,蒲桃 名木族: Mahogany 桃花心 Swartzia, 铁木豆 Diospyros, 柿子树属 Caesalpinia, 苏木属 世界硬木排名前 25: 1 - Buloke Australian Allocasuarina luehmannii 5060 - Specific Gravity 1.11 异木麻黄属 5060 Pounds Force lbf - 2294 Kilograms Force kgf - 22.5 Kilonewtons kN - 22500 Newtons N 2 - Quebracho Colorado - Soto Schinopsis brasiliensis 4800 - Specific Gravity 1.28 3 - Quebracho Colorado - Paag Schinopsis lorentzii 4700 - Specific Gravity 1.22 5 - Belah Casuarina cristata 4500 - Specific Gravity 1.15 5 - Lignum Vitae - Tree Of Life Guaiacum officinale 4500 - Specific Gravity 1.35 6 - Lignum Vitae Philippine Xanthostemon verdugonianus 4450 - Specific Gravity 1.22 7 - Mgurure Combretum schumannii 4430 - Specific Gravity 1.08,风车子属 8 - Bauhinia Red Lysiphyllum carronii 4400 - Specific Gravity 1.39, 豆科植物 9 - Tubi - Blackwood Solomon - Ebony Queen Xanthostemon melanoxylon 4370 - Specific Gravity 1.231 10 - Knob Thorn Acacia nigrescens 4290 - Specific Gravity 1.21 11 Gidgee Acacia cambagei 4270 - Specific Gravity 1.35 12 Gidgee Georgina Acacia georginae 4270 - Specific Gravity 1.33 13 Tiga Tristaniopsis decorticata 4260 - Specific Gravity 1.053 14 Lignum Vitae - Holywood Guaiacum sanctum 4250 - Specific Gravity 1.31 - Hardest Wood In United States 15 Quebracho Colorado - Barauna Schinopsis balansae 4250 - Specific Gravity 1.22 16 Lignum Vitae Maracaibo Bulnesia arborea 4200 - Specific Gravity 1.25 维拉木,绿檀 17 Lignum Vitae Paraguayan Bulnesia sarmientoi 4200 - Specific Gravity 1.19 18 Snakewood Australian Acacia xiphophylla 4150 - Specific Gravity 1.321 蛇桑 19 Wattle Lakewood Acacia enervia 4150 - Specific Gravity 1.32 20 Spearwood Brown Acacia rhodoxylon 4100 - Specific Gravity 1.28 21 Gimlet Eucalyptus salubris 4090 - Specific Gravity 1.225,桉树;桉属植物 22 Oak Black Australian Casuarina pauper 4080 - Specific Gravity 1.29,木麻黄 23 Blackwood African Dalbergia melanoxylon 4050 - Specific Gravity 1.28 南非黑黄檀 24 Wattle Acacia excelsa 4050 - Specific Gravity 1.15 25 - Lignum Vitae Texan Guaiacum angustifolium 4030 - Specific Gravity 1.276 = The Janka Hardness Scale was invented in 1906 by Gabriel Janka 1864 - 1932. He was an Austrian wood researcher. In 1906 at the age of 42 he wrote the 40 page book, Die Harte Des Holzes translated is The Hardness Of The Wood. The Janka Hardness Test measures how hard wood/lumber/timber is. The higher the number the harder the wood is. It is an adaptation of the Brinell Hardness Test for metals. It is probably the best way to determine how durable a particular wood species is. How easy or difficult it will be to dent, ding, mar or scratch. This is extremely important if you are using solid wood for certain applications such as interior flooring, exterior decking, porch flooring, stair treads, stair landings, tabletops, desktops, kitchen countertops and workbench countertops. It is very important to percussion instrument makers drums etcetera, woodwind instrument makers flutes etcetera and stringed instrument makers Luthiers guitars etcetera because a certain hardness produces a particular distintive tone, the harder the wood the sharper the tone that it will produce. Also with Luthiers certain parts such as necks and bridges are made from a certain hardness of wood. It is also a very good indicator of how easy or difficult a particular wood species will be to nail, screw, saw, plane, route, carve and work in general. The results of the original test were indicated in units of pressure required to drive in a steel ball with a diameter of 11.28 millimeters 0.444 inches into the wood to half its diameter. This procedure was chosen so that the result would leave an indentation of exactly 100 square millimeters 0.16 square inches in size. When the American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM standardized the test in 1927 it called for the results to be indicated in units of force. Now in the English measurement system, the result is indicated in pounds of force lbf, in the Metric measurement system, the result is indicated in kilograms of force kgf) and in Australia the result is indicated in newtons N or kilonewtons kN. The hardness of wood/lumber/timber usually varies with the direction of the wood grain. When testing is done on the tangential and radial surface of a piece of wood with the force applied perpendicular to the grain, the test is of side hardness. All Janka Hardnesses listed on this website are of side hardness. Testing is done on wood from the trunk of the tree and is almost always the heartwood. With heartwood there are a handful of exceptions. One that comes to mind is Balsa Ochroma pyramidale. Balsa is always milled from sapwood. The standard sample as in
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