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大学英语应用写作期末试题 第 一 套Part IWriting Basics (30%)Directions: There are 30 incomplete statements in this part. For each statement there are four choices marked a, b, c and d. Choose the best ONE to complete the statement. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. (1x 30=30)1.While collecting raw materials before writing, we usually use techniques of _.1) brainstorming2) freewriting3) clustering4) listinga.1), 2) and 4) b.1), 3) and 4)c.2), 3) and 4) d.1), 2), 3) and 4)2._ does not contain in the principles of “choice of words”.a.Exactnessb.Arbitrariness c.Appropriatenessd.Conciseness3.According to the rules of capitalization, “_” is correct.a.the Southern part of Pennsylvaniab.the fourth of Julyc.The Last of the Mohicansd.the war of Independence4._ is one rule of the usage of comma.a.Being used to separate itemsb.Being used in a direct speechc.Being used at the end of a sentenced. Being used to show feeling5.While making a good sentence, the principles do not contain _.a.varietyb.coherencec.unityd.duality6.“_” is a compound sentence.a.Her mother would remind her.b.The rain fell for a week; therefore, every street in the city was flooded.c.Because the rain fell for a week, every street in the city was flooded.d.She wanted to make sure that her mother wasnt watching.7.Which of the following sentences have a dangling modifier? _a.Saying is easy, but doing is difficult.b.After driving for more than 500 miles, John felt very tired.c.Without saying goodbye, the train took her away.d.All of them.8._ is the core sentence of a paragraph.a.Topic sentenceb.The first sentencec.Supporting sentenced.Concluding sentence9.Which one below is not the coordinate conjunction? _a.butb.soc.andd.so that10.In the sentence “After the plane took off, Jessica still stood there crying.”, what is the function of the underlined part? _ a.Its a prepositional phrase, functioning as an adverb.b.Its not a phrase, but an adverbial clause.c.Its not a phrase, but an independent clause.d.Its a prepositional phrase, functioning as the subject.11.In order to keep a paragraph coherent, we often use the organizational patterns: _.1) time order2) space order3) order of importance4)order of generalitya.1), 2), and 3)b.1), 2), and 4)c.2), 3), and 4)d.1), 2), 3), and 4)12.Which one is not used as a transition word to give examples? _a.for instanceb.such asc.likewised.namely13.Which statement below is not true? _a.A thesis is an announcement of the topic.b.A thesis is a statement, not a phrase.c.A thesis is a judgment, not a fact.d.A thesis must be clear and precise.14.An introductory paragraph should arouse the readers interest and _ the main idea of the essay.a.ignoreb.introducec.developd.emphasize15.What kind of writing method is used in the sentence “Fighting a teenager, like fighting a tide, is bound to fail.”? _a.Metaphorb.Definitionc.Similed.Explanation16.Which sentence below is used in a letter of congratulations? _a.Im writing to say sorry that I cant meet you at the airport on time.b.I cant tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident.c.All of us at the office send you our heartiest congratulations.d.Welcome to ABC Bank, the biggest commercial bank in this city.17.Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier? _a.To raise a good dog, patience is useful.b.Moving slowly, Bowie stalked the rabbits.c.After eating the catfood, Bowie belched.d.None of the above.18.Which choice can best describe this: “Although he had been an often decorated solider during World War II and had fought many battles for the losing cause of liberalism in Congress.”? _a.There is nothing wrong with the structure of this sentence.b.Run-on: put a comma after World War II.c.Run-on: put a semicolon after World War II.d.Fragment: put a comma after Congress and add a main clause.19.To catch the readers eyes, an introduction paragraph should _.a. give detailed information as much as possible.b.start in an interesting way by offering some related information but not too much.c.avoid using anything difficult to understandd.always tell the reader a joke20.Which of the following would not be an effective technique to be used in a concluding paragraph? _a.Calling on action.b.Predicting an outcome.c.Questioning different perspective.d.
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