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,退出请按ESC键,supplier n. 供应商,sample n. 样品,catalog n. 目录,various adj. 各种各样的,option n. 选项,a variety of n. 各种各样的,product n. 产品,a full range of n. 应有尽有,market share 市场份额,go through n. 打通电话,import n.v. 进口,computer n. 电脑,export n.v. 出口,efficient n. 高效的,term n.条款,条件,detail n.细节,corporation n.公司,heater n.电热器,air conditioner n. 空调,equipment n. 设备,iron n. 熨斗,craftwork n. 工艺品, 工艺,garment n.衣服,appliance n. 用具,particular n. 特别的,top-notch service 高技术服务,up-to-date adj. 先进的,be concerned about 担心,reputation n. 名誉,名声,concern v. 涉及,关系到,frankly speaking 坦白地说,understand your company from 从中获了解公司,be satisfied with 对感到满意,Zhang Hua is making contact with Mr.George Smith, an Am-erican businessman by phone.,1. Whats the name of Zhang Huas corporation? 2. What products does Zhang Huas corporation export? 3. What will Zhang Hua send to Mr. Smith?,Questions,May I speak to 某人? 我可以和讲话吗?(电话用语) 通常回答: Speaking. Hold on, please. Ill go get her. Im afraid hes not in. May I ask whos calling, please?,general manager 总经理 表示职位的词, 如 chairman(主席) director(主管) 等,须省略冠词(the, a, an) 。,例子,My uncle acted as general manager of the board. 我的舅舅是董事长。,home appliances 家用电器 同义词: household appliances appliance & equipment区别: appliance 可数名词,通常指需要动力才能操作的家电和装置。equipment 不可数名词,指“设备,装备”,例子,练习,Are you satisfied with the new arrangement?,be satisfied with 对.感到满意 近义词组:be pleased with,英译汉: I wasnt satisfied with our treatment at that hotel.,我不满意我们在那家旅馆受到 的待遇。,a full range of 全方位的, 应有尽有的 range 范围,例子,The price range is from $100 to $500.,练习,She is concerned about her sons future,be concerned about 关心,英译汉: 我们相当担心父 亲的健康。,Were rather concerned about fathers health.,例子,have the reputation of 以.闻名 have a reputation for sth. 因.而著名,例子,The company has a worldwide reputation for quality.,Mr. Zhang Hua is speaking to Mr. George Smith over the tel-ephone.,1. When did Mr. Smith call Zhang Hua? 2. What products are Mr. S- mith interested in? 3. When will Mr. Smith atte- nd Guangzhou Fair?,Questions,Hes on the phone.他在听电话。 be on the phone 口在打电话; 在接电话,例子,My son is on the phone all day!,练习,Id be very interested in knowing more about the services your firm offers.,be interested in 对.感兴趣 = have (an) interest in,英译汉: 他对语言非常 感兴趣。,He is greatly interested in languages.,例子,What kind of room do you have in mind?,What particular kinds do you have in mind? 你想要什么样的产品? have in mind “心里存有” “把记在心里”,例子,such as = for example 例如诸如 etc. =and so on 等等, 及其他,例子,I like drinks such as tea, soda, coffee, juice, etc.,It suits me fine.很好。 I would like to know your idea of the terms on which we would be your supplier. 史密斯先生,我想知道我们怎样才能成为你方供应商的条件。 on which we would be your sup-plier为定语从句,修饰terms。,There are two reasons why we cant do it. First of all, we dont have enough money, and secondly, we dont have enough time.,first of all 第一, 首先。 同义词: firstly, at first, in the first place,例子,我们销售并提供全方位的服务和高效的先进的电脑和家用电器。,我们拥有很好的市场和客户。,We have a very large market share and clients.,2.We sell and provide a full range of services and the most efficient, up-to-date computers and electric home.,中文,中文,4. We understand your company from your catalogs and samples, and we are interested in your products.,我方从你方的目录和样品中了解了贵公司,对你们的产品感兴趣。,请给我接通史密斯先生。,3. Get Mr. Smith on the telephone for me, please.,中文,中文,英文,5.您要哪些产品?,6.欢迎您随时 来看我们的产 品。,You are welcome to see our prod- ucts anytime.,What particular kinds do you have in mind?,英文,I would like to know your id- ea of the terms on which we would be your supplier.,7.我想知道 我们作为你 方的供应商 的条件。,英文,This is a _ equipment 2. We should make _with him. 3. The workers have been told to improve their _level. 4. Were rather_ fathers health. 5. Here is the _of all the books in the library,contact concerned about catalog operate term supplier a variety of reputation option up-to-date,up-to-date,contact,operating,练习一 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary. (题目可参见课后练习),concerned about,catalog,6. I accepted it on these _. 7. We sell _ goods. 8. He is a man of good _. 9. There are many _to office software. 10. The government has two _, to reduce spending or to increase taxes.,terms,a variety of,reputation,suppliers,options,contact concerned about catalog operate term supplier a variety of reputation option up-to-date,S: Im here to discuss with you the possibi- lity of (1) _(出口)computers. Z: Mr. Smith, we very much appreciate your interest in our company. S: I reviewed (2) _(你 们的目录) and saw your (3) _ (样品).Im interested in your Geli Brand air conditioners. Z: You have the expertise in picking our the right (4)_(产品). They are very well-known all over China. S: Do you export any of the pr
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