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1新概念英语测试题 Lesson 15-16一.Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words.填空。 (22 分) Customs officer: Welcome to England. Are you Japanese? Boys: No, are not Customs officer: you Korean? Boys: No, are not. We Chinese Customs officer: your friends Chinese, ? Boys: Yes, they are Customs officer: And you tourists? Boys: Yes, we are Customs officer: Your passports, Boys: Here are Customs officer: Thank very 二.Write these numbers in figures.用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。 (12 分) fifty-two seventy-five ninety-nine a hundred and one a hundred and five a hundred and ten 三.Make these plural. 用复数形式改写以下句子。 (14 分) 1 This is my friend These are our friends 2 This is his case 3 This is her hat 4 This isnt my passport 5 This isnt her handbag 6 Is this your coat? 7 Is her passport red? 8 Is my coat smart ? 四.Read the situations. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。 (9 分) 1 A tourist(游客) lost(丢失) his cases and asked you for help(帮助). Ask(问) him about (关于) the colour of them.2 You are with a group(一群) of students and found(发现 ) 2 tickets. What do you ask the group? 23 You give 2 or 3 books, for example(比如), to Someone(某人). What do you say (说)? _ 六.Write questions and answers using our.模仿例句提问并用 our 来回答。 (25 分)Example: books /redWhat colour are your books? Our books are red.1 shirts /white2 coats /grey3 tickets /yellow新概念英语测试题 Lesson 17-18一.Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words.填空。(30 分) Mr. Jackson: Please come and our employees You: you, Mr. Jackson Mr. Jackson: This is Nicola and _ is Claire Nicola and Claire: How do you do? You: ? Mr. Jackson: These are very hard-working You: What jobs? Mr. Jackson: Theyre operators. Whats your ? You: Im student. And Im very ,too!二.What are their jobs? Choose and write in the best word. 用括号中正确的词填空。(12 分) 1 Whats her job? Shes a . (engineer/ housewife) 2 Whats his job? Hes a (policewoman/ postman) 3 What are their jobs? Theyre (policeman/ policemen) 4 Whats Michaels job? Hes a . (sales rep/ keyboard operators) 5 Whats Marys job? Shes an . (air hostesses/ office girl) 6 What are Mike and Jims jobs? Theyre . (sales rep/ sales reps) 三.Write these numbers in figures.用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。 (12 分) two hundred four hundred and two six hundred eight hundred and ten nine hundred a thousand and one 四.Write these regular plural words in the correct columns.根据复数的读音将以下规则的名词复数填入表内。 (11 分)3office assistants sales reps employees office girls jobs keyboard operatorsmechanics Customs officers air hostesses engineers taxi driversPlural with a /s/ sound Plural with a/z/ sound Plural with an /iz/ sound五.Write in the irregular plurals of these nouns. 写出以下不规则名词的复数形式。 (5 分) Housewife - man - woman - Postman - policewoman - 六.Complete these sentences using He, She, We or They.完成以下句子,用 He, She, We 或 They 填空。 (12 分)Example: Those men are lazy. are sales reps.Those men are lazy. They are sales reps.1 That man is tall. is a policeman.2 Those girls are busy. are keyboard operators.3 Our names are Britt and Inge. are Swedish.4 Look at our office assistant. is very hard-working.5 Look at Nicola. is very pretty.6 Michael Baker and Jeremy Short are employees. are sal
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