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英语四级复习大全第一章 听力理解第一节 听力题型改革概述听力比例由原来的20%提升到35%:短对话部分由原来的10题减至8题;增加两篇长对话,题量在3至4题每篇,一共7题;短文(俗称“段子题”)仍为3篇,题量在3至4题每篇,一共10题;复合式听写保持不变。以上4个听力部分中,短对话和长对话的分值一共占15%,而短文和复合式听写的分值一共占20%。听力题材涉及的范围更加广泛,形式灵活多样,包括对话、讲座、广播电视节目等等。第二节 听力题型概述及应试策略一、关于对话题(一) 长短对话听力题改革与分析1. 听力短对话部分虽然由原先的10题改为8题,但就其题目特点与解题思路而言与以往的老题型没有太大的差异。这些题目一如既往地贯彻了以往的几大常见考点:转折引起的作者态度及谈论重点的变化;对现象原因的阐述与补充;反问句式、反意疑问句式的考察:反问和反意疑问在四级考试中永远以一种无疑而问的形式出现,这次依然用了这样的一个形式。因此,只要能很好把握其“无疑而问”的特点,就能方便解题。当然也应该注意到,反问句往往作为加强语气的建议句型出现的这一考点。建议句型的考察:建议句型往往是比较复杂的考点之一,因为句型相对比较多,而且隐蔽性比较强。场景、人物关系的推测;语音语调的考察。综上所述,试点考试将依然遵循以往的考试规律和特点,一脉相承。但所谓的短对话却也越来越长,这也体现了现在考试在句型句式、言外之意和内容复杂化三个方面的发展趋势。2. 听力长对话并不可怕,它结合了短对话对问答句式,建议请求,和关键场景赐予的考察和长段子对文章层次和理解能力的要求。所以做这样的题目往往需要具备综合的素质,既要注意其中的细节,又要注意整体的把握,还要能够应付7道题目的题量,这比以往的四级题目对综合能力的要求显著提高了。(二) 长短对话听力技巧应注意以下几点:1. 提前阅读选项,判断问题所属,从而集中精力于有关信息。 2. 注意根据信息词汇判断地点和说话人的身份职业等。 当同学们看到四个地点和职业名词时,大脑中就应该马上出现与这些地点或职业相关的一系列词语,在听的过程中注意提到了什么信息词语,这样就可轻松地判断谈话发生的地点,说话人的职业或身份,以及谈话双方的关系。 为此,同学们有必要了解与各种职业和地点行业有关的信息词汇,如: 饭店:menu, order, waitress, waiter, take order, go Dutch, Its my treat等; 旅馆:check in/out, make a reservation, register, reception desk等; 医院:physician, doctor, nurse, operation-room, emergency room, visiting hours, prescribe等; 银行:open an account, withdraw, deposit, saving, cash a check等; 飞机/机场:safety-belt, boarding card, captain, airhostess, airline, take off, land, crash等。 3. 注意加减运算,听到的不是答案 在涉及时间、距离、金钱等数量概念的听力中,一般都要求同学们进行加减方面的运算,很少是听到什么就是什么。有时,计算可能会麻烦些,同学们可以先将听到的时间等记下,等有时间在计算。在计算题中应特别注意以下数字的读音差别: 13-30; 14-40; 15 - 50; 16 - 60; 17 -70; 18 -80; 19 -90 选项中会有这种数字读音差别的考查。如: W: when does the next train leave? M: You have just missed one by 5 minutes. Trains leave every 50 minutes, so youll have to wait for a while. Q: How long does the woman have to wait for the next train? A. 45 minutes B. 50 minutes C. 10 minutes D. 5 minutes如果把50minutes 听成了15 minutes,就会误选C。 4. 注意记笔记,将人物、地点、时间等对号入座 听力测试中的另外一种现象就是,四个选项中的人物、地点、时间或事件等在对话中可能都有提及。在这种情况下,同学们所需要的不是寻找信息词,而是注意将四个选项与对话中提及的信息对号入座。如: (1) W: Do you enjoy life in Washington? M: Yes, indeed. Im planning to move to New York or Boston. Anyway, Ive never regretted my earlier decision. Q: Where does the man live now? A. In New York B. In boston C. In New port D. In Washington四个地点对话中提到了三个,具体是哪一个,同学们在听的时候应注意分辨。 (2) M: Please buy two packs of cigarettes for me while you are at the store. W: I am not going to any store. Im going to see Aunt Mary. But I will get them for you at the gas station. Q: Where will the woman stop on her way? A. At a cigarette store. B. At a bus station. C. At a gas station. D. At Aunt Marys 如果地点不含职业性的对比,一般就很可能属于这里所介绍的类型,那么同学们所做的就是分别。 5. 从语法入手、从短语含义入手,判断隐含之意 四级听力中常考查的语法是建议和虚拟语气。要求同学们判断建议是什么,虚拟中含义是什么。就建议而言,同学们只需注意建议的各种表达方式,就可解答这类听力题;至于虚拟语气,我想同学们可以记住这样一条规律:与所听到的相反的就是答案。6. 概括与具体,具体与抽象相对,概括的、抽象的是解这类题主要是话题的选择,也包括一些对整个事件的评价等。如: (1) W: We all talk about how liberated we are, but in fact woman are still not treated equally. M: I dont think so. Youve got the vote, youve got your careers I think youve got everything important. Q: What are they talking about? A. The womans job as a librarian.B. Womans rights in society. C. An important election. D. Career planning. 谈论的话题应是一个抽象的概括性的东西,所以答案是B。 (2) M: This has been the worst flood for the past 20 years. It has caused much damage and destruction. W: Look at the price of fruits and vegetables. No wonder they are expensive. Q: What are they talking about? A. The effects of the flood. B.The heroic fight against flood. C. The cause of the flood. D.Floods of the past twenty years. 能够概括对话中物价上涨的应该是A。 7. 肯定与不肯定相对,含义不肯定的是解 这一技巧用于解答说话者言外之意的听力题。如: (1) W: I intend to buy some fruits for the children. These apples and pears seem to be in season. Ill get two dozen of each. M: I hope theyre as good as they look. Q: What does the man mean? A. The apples and pears might no be so good. B. The apples are not as good as the pears. C. The apples and pears are very good. D. The apples and pears are as good as they look. hope的使用说明答案应该是不太可能的选项,自然是A。 (2) W: If this weather keeps up, Im going to have to buy a warmer coat. M: Sounds like a good idea. Spring is still a long way off, you know. Q: What does the man mean? A. The woman should wait to buy new clothes. B. The cold weather will probably continue. C. The weather will warm up soon. D. He already has a warm coat.Sounds like a good idea说明了语气的不可能,答案应该是B。8. “同意”是解一般情况下,如果四个选项中有一个表示“同意”的概念,那么,此选项就是正确选项。如: (1) W: Its a wonderful film, isnt it? M: You can say that again. Q: What does the man mean? A. He agrees with the woman. B. He didnt hear what the woman said. C. He is surprised by her opinion. D. He thinks she should look at it again. 请同学们注意以下表示同意对方观点的常用语。如果听到这些,就可以选择含有“同意”的选项: You said it. You can say that again. You are telling me. You may/might well say so. Ill say. I couldnt agree more.
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