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Unit 3综合测试题卷(选择题,共75分)听力部分(第一节)一、听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)听力材料:1This is Dannys nose.2Jenny is 1.6 metres tall.3Look at the picture.4John has short blond hair.5Li Mings head hurts.( C )1.A.head Bleg Cnose( B )2.A.1.5 B1.6 C1.85( B )3.A.listen to Blook at Ccome out( C )4.A.John has long blond hair.BJohns hair is short black.CJohns hair is short blond.( B )5.A.Li Mings hand hurts. BLi Ming has a headache. CLi Ming feels hurt.二、听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)听力材料:6How do you feel today?7I have a stomachache.8Does your little sister look cute?9How tall is Peter?10Can I ask you a question?( C )6.A.I am twelve. BI like red. CI am happy.( B )7.A.How are you? BYoud better see a doctor.CAll right.( C )8.A.No, she isnt. BShe has big eyes. CYes, she does.( B )9.A.Thirteen. B1.6 metres tall. CHe looks goodlooking.( B )10.A.Its easy. BSure. CYou cant. 三、听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分)听第12组对话,回答第1112小题。听力材料:11M:Is your mother OK?W:No. She has a cold.Q:Whats the matter with the womans mother?12M:I want to use a camera. Do you have one?W:Yes. I like to take photos with it.Q:What does the man want to use?( B )11.Whats the matter with the womans mother?A. B. C.( B )12.What does the man want to use?A. B. C.听第3组对话,回答第1314小题。听力材料:M:Hello, Kate. Is that girl your sister?W:Hi, Peter. No, she isnt. She is my friend, Sue.M:Well, she looks cute. How tall is she?W:She is 1.63 metres tall. What about you, Peter?M:I am 1.77 metres tall.Questions:13.Who is Sue?14How tall is Sue?( B )13.Who is Sue?AKates sister. BKates friend. CPeters friend. ( A )14.How tall is Sue?A1.63 metres tall. B1.77 metres tall. C1.67 metres tall. 听第4组对话,回答第1518小题。听力材料:M:Hello, Tina. How do you feel today?W:Hi, Jack. I feel happy. You look tired. Whats wrong?M:I am not feeling well. I feel sick.W:Do you have a headache?M:No, I dont.W:Do you have a stomachache?M:No, I dont. W:Do you feel cold?M:Yes, I do. W:Maybe you have a cold. You had better go and see a doctor. M:All right.Questions:15.How does Tina feel?16How does Jack look?17Whats wrong with Jack?18What had better Jack do?( C )15.How does Tina feel?ASad. BAngry. CHappy.( B )16.How does Jack look?AYoung. BTired. Ccool.( A )17.Whats wrong with Jack?AHe has a cold. BHe has a stomachache. CHe has a headache. ( B )18.What had Jack better do?APlay sports. BSee a doctor. CGo to his teacher. 四、听短文和问题,选择正确答案。(共7小题,每小题1分,计7分)听第一篇短文,回答第1921小题。听力材料:Hi, Im Wu Lin. Im 12 years old. I am 1.55 metres tall. I have short, black hair. My eyes are also black, and they are small. My mouth is very big. Im tall, but my feet are small. I like white and have many white clothes. Im very happy every day!Questions:19.How tall is Wu Lin?20What colour is Wu Lins hair?21How does Wu Lin feel every day?( A )19.How tall is Wu Lin?A1.55 metres tall. B1.5 metres tall. C1.65 metres tall.( B )20.What colour is Wu Lins hair?ABlond. BBlack. CWhite.( B )21.How does Wu Lin feel every day?ASad. BHappy. CAngry.听第二篇短文,回答第2225小题。听力材料:Linda is a girl. She lives in Canada. She is short. Her friend Jenny is tall. Jenny is 1.70 metres tall. Linda is 1.45 metres tall. Linda has big, blue eyes. Jenny has small, brown eyes. They look different. Linda has short hair. Jenny has long hair.Questions:22.Where does Linda live?23How tall is Jenny?24What does Linda look like?25Who has long hair?( B )22.Where does Linda live?AIn China. BIn Canada. CIn the UK.( B )23.How tall is Jenny?A1.45 metres tall. B1.70 metres tall. C1.60 metres tall.( A )24.What does Linda look like?AShe has big, blue eyes. BShe has small, brown eyes.CShe has big, green eyes.( B )25.Who has long hair?ALinda. BJenny. CLindas sister.笔试部分 五、单项选择。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( A )26.(唐山市路南区20172018学年七年级上学期期末考试)Can you do the homework _ me? I have no time for it.Sorry. I cant help you like that.Afor Bto Cwith Dagainst( B )27.I have black _, but my father has seven white _Ahairs; hair Bhair; hairs Chair; hair Dhairs; hairs( A )28.(唐山市古冶区20172018学年七年级上学期期中考试)Does Danny _ any friends in China?Yes. He _ many friends there.Ahave; has Bhas; have Chave; have Dhas; has( A )29._ are you, Bella?Im 1.5 metres tall.AHow tall BHow often CHow soon DHow long ( C )30.Mum, is five and eight _?Yes. Youre right. Athree Btwelve Cthirteen Dfifteen( D )31.David is _. I need to buy some medicine for him. Asad Bcute Ctired Dsick( B )32.(保定市竞秀区七年级上学期期末考试)We _
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