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雅思写作模板作文法,By Caren,TASK ONE,1、 Evaluation Subscales(评分标准): TA: Task Achievement (完成度) CC: Cohorence and Cohesion(承接得当) LR: Lexical Resource(词汇量) *LR&GRA要求词汇和句型的多样及全面。 GRA:Grammatical Resource and Accuracy(语法&精准度) 2、 Structure(文章形式) 齐头式分段落。(开头不空格,每段空一行) 语言要正式,不省略引导词不缩写单词。注意美式、英式单词拼写的统一 重视客观。(小作文多为“客观数据报告”,即多使用无灵主语) 由Introduction、Body、(Conclusion)组成。在小作文当中一般不写最后一部分,但在大作文中必须加入。,3、 题型分类:,给出图形形式: Line Chart(线图) Pie Chart(饼图) Bar Chart(柱形图) Table(表格) Map(地图) Flow Chart(流程图) 图形变化特征: Trend(动态) Static data(静态) Mixture (Trend+Static)(混合) Picture(图形),4、 写作结构思路梳理,整体思路:明确文章逻辑(先写什么后写什么)+细化内容写出句子+选用恰当逻辑连接词或短语连接 How to write Introduction? Method : 句子改写(1段) 4 factors: Picture(图):diagram,chart,graph When(时间):in the year /in the year of /since/by the year of/until/fromto/betweenand/over,during the period fromto Where(地点):in Australia=in the selected/certain countryAustralia. What happened(事件):participation/involvement/taking part in/join in,Useful sentence structures:,The graph shows+名词短语或句子 shows可以换成下列一些词:describe/illustrate/reveal/unfold/compare/summarize/suggest. 接下来, (1) Change the structures of sentences(that从句) It is clear from It can be clear seen that (2)+complete sentence(as定从) As the graph shows As is shown by the graph According to the figure (3)+phrases .give information about. .give a summary of. .provide an overview of. (4)change the words of sentences,Sample: The graph compares the rates of smoking in some-land men and women from 1960 to 2000. It is clear that the rate of smoking in some-land both men and women made a stable decrease from 1980.,How to write Body?(23段),线形图: 4 factors When(时间) 数据 变化趋势 变化幅度 Sentence structure 主体+show+a/an+adj+n+数据+时间 The number/percentage(of )show an (upward/downward) trend from to 在2004年到2006年间,咖啡的销售量呈现稳定增长的趋势。 Eg:Sales of coffee showed a steady increase between 2004 and 2006. 主体+V+adv+数据+时间 The number/percentage(of)+表示上升或下降的动词或短语+betweenand Eg:Sales of coffee increased steadily between 2004 and 2006.,There be +a/an+adj+n.+数据+时间 There is a +上升或下降的名词形式+in the number of/over the period of 1965年到2005年间英国人购物时使用自带购物袋的人数在稳定下降。 Eg:There was a steady fall in the number of British households using their own shopping bags when shopping between 1965 and 2005. sth作主语(适应单一趋势变化) 限定修饰词+上升或下降的名词形式+can be found in the number/percentage offromto 时间段+witness/experience/undergo+a/an+adj+n+数据(with)+时间 The year of 1990 witnesses a+变化趋势名词形式+in the amount of,以“the percentage of international students in a certain university in Sydney”变化趋势为例总结单一趋势图的写法 A&B The percentage of international students in Sydney showed a sharp rise from 10% in 1960 to 25% in 1980. The percentage of international students in Sydney went up slowly by 15%(10% to 25%) from 1960 to 1980. C、D&E The percentage of international students in Sydney showed a moderate increase with some drastic fluctuations from 10% to 25% between 1960 and 1980. There was a moderate increase with some slight fluctuations from 10% to 25% during 20 years from 1960 to 1980. There was a moderate decrease with a fluctuation from 25% to 10% during the past 20 years(1960 to 1980).,F&G The percentage of international students in Sydney stayed at 15% with some fluctuations from 1960 to 1980. The percentage of international students in Sydney kept sdeadily at 20% brtween 1960 and 1980. H&I 句型:level off at The percentage of international students in Sydney went up sharply from 10% during the early few years between 1960 and 1970 and it leveled off at 25% until 1980. 句型:bottom out at The percentage of international students in Sydney fell sharply from 25% during the early few years between 1960 and 1970 and it bottomed out at 10% until 1980.,JKL 句型:reach a bottom(valley floor) of/at The percentage of international students in sydney fell a little from 25% between 1960 and 1980 and it reached a bottom at 10% in 1970 句型:reach a peak(summit/clim) of/at The percentage of international students in Sydney went up a little from 10% during 20 years(1960 to 1980) and reached a peak at 25% in 1970. 句型:reach a plateau(highland/tableland)of/at The percentage of international students in Sydney reached a plateau at 25% from 1960 to 1980.,线形图的思路总结: 因为趋势是线形图的精髓,因此第一步是描述趋势 先单独观察选定首先讨论的线的特征,然后分阶段讨论这一条线 由于出线图时很少出现单一一条线,然而之所以出多条线是有“对比”的暗示,因此第三步是对比,饼图,4 factors: 主要特征(如:占据最大) 第二主要特征(如:占据最小) 次要特征(如:较平均占据) 特殊项独立成段(总体数据、另外数据) Sentence structure 主体+占据(v)+% %+be+占据(ved)+by+主体 %+goes to +某个方面 %+of sb+v+sth 表占据:occupy,comprise,constitute,account for,make up,take up 表最大:biggest,hugest,largest,leading 表最大句型:ranks the first place which occupies% 表最小句型:ranks the last/final place which occupies%,1、“比较”的方法: “超过”:surpass,outnumber,exceed; “紧跟”:follow; “排列”:rank(the first) 在这30年间美国跑步的经营者的数量呈现急剧的增长形势,超过了中国的数量。 Eg:The amount of runners in US showed a dramatic growth during these 30 years,outnumbering that of China. 2、A take the largest amount,followed by B and C A occupied the largest amou
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