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Transition,Lecture 7,In this lecture you will learn how to express clearly in meaning, how to connect smoothly in writing. To be well done in this job, one of the best ways is to use “transition”, a writing method. In this method, transitional words will be used a lot. To be transition, we can reach the aim in many respects besides using these transitional words.,Objective,Focus on transition The sorts of transitional words Words used as transition Parallel used as transition,Actions to betaken,Sentences are sentences; however, we can make deep impressions from different sentences.,Before you write,Activity 1: Exploring Ideas,Task 1: Different sentences, different functions,1. Just as mother is indispensable to child, so is study to our spirit. 2. He was brought up in a humid and mid area in China. But the climate of the city where he pursues his higher education is the opposite of his home town.,1. Natural resources are very limited. They will be exhausted in the near future. It is not true. But it becomes a major concern around the world. This is a widely accepted fact. 2. It is a widely accepted fact there is a major concern around the world for the exhaustion of limited natural resources in the near future, though it is unlikely to be true.,No one (perhaps) has ever felt (passionately) towards a lead pencil. (But) there are circumstances in which it can become (supremely) desirable to possess one; moments when we are set upon having an object, an excuse for walking half across London between tea and dinner. As the foxhunter hunts (in order to) preserve the breed of foxes, and the golfer plays (in order that) open spaces may be preserved from the builders, (so when) the desire comes upon us to go street rambling a pencil does for a pretext, and getting up we say: “(Really) I must buy a pencil,” (as if under cover of this excuse) we could indulge (safely) in the greatest pleasure of town life in winter-rambling the streets of London.,Task 2: With or without transition,In this task, two kinds of writing are listed in the following: with or without transition. It is quite different for you to write with transition from without transition.,“I like my job.” reflects what he is thinking. “I like my job.” tells us his real idea. “I like my job.” is his only thing. “I like my job.” makes people respect him. “I like my job.” says that the cleaners desire nothing than working. “I like my job.” gives a great shock to the opponents.,Activity 2: Striking Ideas,Task 1: “I like my job.”,Sentences are short but they are shaking to the readers. Parallel is used as transition.,As one of the modern ways of shopping, online shopping is becoming more and more popular and common in our daily life. Online shopping has many advantages. First, online shopping makes it easier for us to buy things. Instead of searching a crowded store, we just need to watch the computer screen and choose the things we like. Second, it is much faster for us to do shopping. We dont have to spend a lot of time going to shops. Third, we can see a great deal of goods shown on the computer screen at the same time. However, online shopping is not so perfect. The pictures of goods shown on the computer screen are not always what they are. As a result, we can be cheated easily. Whats worse, we can not see the things in detail. Despite the disadvantages of online shopping, I think it is an advanced way to do shopping. So we should develop it.,Write,Activity 1: Transition,Task 1: Online Shopping,There is quite different between sentences with or without transition. In the following paragraph, we have transition to link one sentence to another., Skyscrapers also interfere with television reception, block bird flyways, and obstruct air traffic. In Boston in the late 1960s some people even feared that shadows from skyscrapers would kill the grass on Boston Common. Still, people continue to build skyscrapers for all the reasons that they have always built them-personal ambition, civil pride, and the desire of owners to have the largest possible amount of rentable space.,Task 2: Skyscraper,We use transition to link one paragraph to another.,IT is the most talked-of subject in town. Every family in the community discusses IT half a dozen times a day. You mentioned IT to at least one of your friends before you came into the room today. You think about IT at least once during every class. ITS passage is steady. IT touched everyone. What is IT? It is Time.,Task 3: A Riddle,Pronouns can take the role of transition in compositions. Only “it” makes the short passage vivid.,Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. I always encourage such people, but I also explain that theres a big difference between “being a writer” and writing. In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not the long hours alone at a typewriter. “Youve got to want to write,” I say to them, “not want to be a writer. The reality is that writing is a lonely, private
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