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Project One Writings for Internal Communications,Task 4 Memos,Capability Goal,After the lesson students should be able to be familiar with different types of memo and write business memos successfully.,Knowledge Goal,After the lesson students should be able to know the differences between a memo and a letter, understand the basic format of memo.,Leading case,【Case Background】 The term “memo” is an abbreviation of “memorandum” which derives from the Latin meaning “a thing to be remembered”. Interoffice memorandum can be abbreviated to memos, it is an informal document usually short and on a single subject calling attention to or reminding the recipient of something important. It serves as an exchanging of information between departments within a business or official agency or between agencies. It is a device very frequently used. Memos and letters are the two most common types of business communication. Memos resemble letters in that they communicate information and are commonly used in the world or business writing. However, letters communicate with someone outside the organization. Memos are almost always used to send information to colleagues, workers in other departments, and management personnel within an organization. The order important differences lie in: It is read only by colleagues and leaders inside a corporation; The stationery carries the name of a corporation, no address; Close without compliments. The following extract is from a telephone call: “Hello, Mr. Chan? This is William Tsang here. Yes, Senior Accounts Supervisor. Look, Mr. Chan, Im afraid I made a slight mistake in the figures I sent you recently. Yes. Well, not really my fault. The computer was down. You know how these things areWould you like me to send over the revised figures? You would. OK.” Supposed that the secretary wanted to send a memo instead of making the telephone call.,Leading case,【Practical Task】 If you were the secretary, do you know the memo format? Do you know what type of memos should be used? Can you write a memo for the secretary within 30 minutes?The memo should not be less than 100 words.,Task analysis,How to write memos A business memo is a standard form of written communication in academics, government, and industry. It has a well-established format and style used to inform the reader about new information (e.g. policy changes, price increases), or to persuade the reader to take an action (e.g. attending a meeting, using less paper, changing a current production procedure). It can be directed to a few specific people but often addresses a group, entire procedure). It can be directed to a few specific people but often addresses a group, entire team or department. Memos are often written in the first person (I or we) and range from very informal to extremely formal, depending on the writer and the intended recipients. Regardless of the specific goal, memos are most effective when they connect the purpose of the writer with the interests and needs of the reader. Learning to write concise and effective memos is a skill vital to any business person.,Task analysis,STEP ONE The heading is often printed on company letterhead, which identifies the purpose of the correspondence, to whom the memo has been sent, when it was written, and who wrote it. The memos heading has four items. The most common arrangement stacks all four lines flush left. TO: Blanche Challenger FROM: Francis Levisohn DATE: Nov. 20th, 2003 SUBLECT: employee stock purchase Or, capitalize only the initial letter: To: Blanche Challenger From: Francis Levisohn Date: Nov. 20th, 2003 Sublet: employee stock purchase You may also line up the information like this: TO: Blanche Challenger FROM: Francis Levisohn DATE: Nov. 20th, 2003 RE: employee stock purchase Or, arrange them in two columns: TO: Blanche Challenger DATE: Nov. 20th, 2003 FROM: Francis Levisohn RE: employee stock purchase,Task analysis,STEP TWO The next section of the standard memo format is the body section which can be further classified into three to five segments depending on the length or the content of the memo. Generally speaking, all memos should have the first three basic segments in the body section as listed below: opening segment, discussion segment, closing segment, possible summary segment, possible attachment and possible sign segment.,Task analysis,STEP THREE Opening segment: The opening explains the reason for the correspondence. Perhaps a software program is not working, or a meeting is scheduled or a meeting time change needs to be announced. After the writer states the problem, need or announcement, subsequent information makes the purpose of the memo clear. Maybe he or she is looking for input, welcoming a new employee, or adopting a new policy. Memos recipient can get an overview of the memo by reading the first segment only.,Task analysis,STEP FOUR Discussion segment: In this segment, the writer explains the steps that he has taken or methods and sources he
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