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周尊国 世界农场动物福利协会 中国代表 China Representative Compassion in World Farming,农场动物福利和鹅肥肝 Farm Animal Welfare and Foie Gras Production,2012年3月1日,世界农场动物福利协会 COMPASSION IN WORLD FARMING,由英国农民 Peter Roberts于1967年创建。 is the leading farm animal welfare charity, founded in 1967 by Peter Roberts, a British farmer who became horrified by the development of modern, intensive factory farming. Compassion in World Farming has grown into an organization with offices and representatives in many countries, including China.,动物福利的定义,1- Brambell report (1965): “Welfare is a wide term that embraces both the physiological and mental well-being of the animal. Any attempt to evaluate welfare, therefore, must take into account the scientific evidence available concerning the feelings of animals that can be derived from their structure and function and also from their behaviour”. 2- Lorz (1973): “Living in harmony with the environment and with itself, both physically and psychologically “. 生理和心理上都能够与其所处环境及自身保持和谐。 3- Wiepkema (1982): “ The inadequacy of the programmes performed to control relevant aspects of the Umwelt, or the permanent failure of any behaviour, must cause severe feelings of distress. In this period the animal really suffers and its well-being is at stake “.,动物福利的定义,4- Broom (1986, 1996): “ The welfare of an individual is its state as regards its attempts to cope with its environment “. “The origin of the concept is how well the individual is faring or travelling through life. The state can be good or poor but, in either case, there will often be feelings associated with the state, which we should try to measure, as well as using more direct measures.“ 5- “ Welfare is solely dependent on what animals feel “, 福利完全取决于动物感觉如何 (Duncan and Petherick, 1989). 6- “ Welfare is mainly dependent on what animals feel “ 福利主要取决于动物感觉如何 (Dawkins, 1990).,农场动物福利和健康的定义 Defining farm animal health & welfare,身体匀称 感觉良好 Fit and feeling good 可持续的身体和精神健康 Sustained physical and mental health 没有疾病 Absence of disease 没有痛苦(如疼痛、恐惧或者衰竭) Absence of suffering (eg pain, fear or exhaustion) 能够表达自然的行为 Ability to carry out normal behaviour 舒适、友伴、安全 Comfort, companionship, security,*Prof J Webster,动物的感知力 What is animal sentience?,Being able to: Feel pain and suffer Learn from experience Make choices Have feelings of joy, fear or misery Enjoy the company of others,能够: 感觉到疼痛和折磨 习得经验 做出选择 有快乐、恐惧或痛苦等感觉 喜欢同伴的陪伴,情感安全 Emotional security,图片来源: Compassion in World Farming/Xiao Shibai肖诗白,进行交流 Communication with others,物种间交流 Inter-species communication, Compassion in World Farming/Wong Chi Keung,动物是有感知力的生命,发生在它们身上的一切,对它们很重要Animals are sentient beings,and what happens to them, matters to them.,最新研究结果:母鸡对小鸡具有同理心(受对方的情感状态影响或感同身受的能力)Mother hens feel empathy for their chicks,聪明的乌鸦无需“深思熟虑”,发现嘴无法够到管内的小桶时,乌鸦将注意力转移到铁丝上。,直的铁丝无法将小桶取出,乌鸦利用瓶口将铁丝顶端弯成钩状,顺利勾出装有虫子的小桶,鹅肝生产,每年,八千二百万只鸭和七十万只鹅被用于肥肝生产。根据肥鹅肝的定义,强饲法是必须的。( 见 农事法典 L.654-27-1 ),强饲法,强饲法是通过一根强行插入喉咙的管子把大量高能量,(成分)不平衡的食物灌进动物的胃里。手工操作需要45秒到60秒。用水泵或气泵这些普便使用的工业强饲法只需要2到3秒。 管子长度:20-30厘米 10-14周开始 鸭:12-15天 每天两次 鹅:13-14天 每天三次,强饲法,肝脏的功能被打乱,动物难以调节自身的体温,患上一种叫做“肝脂沉积症”的疾病。另外,几乎是正常肝脏的10倍的畸形肥大的肝脏造成呼吸困难,行动不便。,鹅肝生产福利问题,强饲插管操作过程造成痛苦、伤害(淤青、出血、穿孔、感染) 过量强饲造成鹅的肝脂沉积症(脂肪肝),肝破裂,肝硬化等 3. 鹅时常患有肝性脑病,因其肝的排毒功能被破坏,毒素侵入大脑使其猝死。,鹅肝生产福利问题,4. 其他高发疾病如:佝偻病,骨折,毒血症,缺氧血症,内部肌肉出血,肠炎,吸入性肺炎,神经损伤,低血糖昏迷,细菌感染,体温调节紊乱和呼吸疾病等 5. 强烈恐惧:见到饲料时,强饲填肥的鹅会挣扎后退,而自然进食的鹅会抢食,鹅肝生产福利问题,6. 为了保证整块鹅肝的肥腻和细嫩,农场主都会减少食物中的钙含量,发育期间没有足够的钙,鹅就会患上软骨病。 7.食物误入气管造成窒息 8.强饲期间,翅膀骨折率54%,鹅肝生产福利问题,9. 过大的肝脏压迫腿部,使被强饲的鹅站立困难,行走能力严重受损。另外,腿部的肿胀和脚底缀满的溃烂老茧也使鹅尽量避免走动带来痛苦。 10.受欧盟委托的兽医科学委员会在1998年的报告中甚至指出,被强饲(动物)的死亡率是(普通)养殖(动物)的10 到 20倍。实际上,填肥时间是鹅能承受的疾病和痛苦的极限,延长即使几天都会产生大量死亡。,鹅肝生产福利问题,11. 强饲期间限制活动,甚至为使其安静遮挡光线。作为水禽,无法表达自然天性。,因此,它们不应该、也不需要承受痛苦 They should not, and need not, suffer,谢谢! Thank you!,
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