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2019江苏徐州小升初冲刺试题(八)一、单项选择 1.Lets to Century Park now. A.goB.goesC.going2. Give me a pencil, please. _ A.Here you are.B.How are you?3.My father likes _. A.go hikingB.went hikingC.going hiking4.She lived to eighty. A.isB.beC.do5.The Olympic Games in 2008 were held in _. A.CanadaB.BeijingC.Australia6.Its very _ in autumn. A.coolB.coldC.hot7.This film is very . A.interestingB.interestedC.bored8.Would you like apple juice? A.anyB.someC.elseD.two9.Whats this? Its insect.A.anB.aC./10.The Easter holiday, the summer holiday and the Christmas holiday are three main school holidays in the _. A.ChinaB.UKC.Japan11.你在电话里介绍自己, 你应该说: A.I am John.B.My name is JohnC.This is John.D.Do you know John?12.We can help you him. A.findB.to findC.finding13.Cherry sitting under the tree. A.isB.areC.am14.A.Li Ming is taller than Wang Qiang.B.Li Ming is shorter than Wang Qiang.15.选出发音不同的一项。 A.findB.winC.milk二、口语交际。从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话。16.补全对话 A. You should eat lots of vegetables and fruit.B. Let me have a look at your teeth.C. Yes, I like it. And I like sweets, too.D. Whats wrong with you?E. Do you eat vegetables every day?F. What are you feeling now, young man?G. How often do you brush your teeth?Doctor: Hello, young man. _Mike: Hi, doctor. I have a toothache.Doctor: Open your mouth. _Oh, there are two bad teeth. _Mike: Twice every day. I brush my teeth in the morning and evening.Doctor: Thats good. _Mike: No, I dont.Doctor: Do you like chocolate?Mike: _Doctor: Oh, I see. _Dont eat too much chocolate or sweets.三、对话排序17.将下列句子重新排序组成一段完整的对话_A . Hi, Jim.B . No, I cant.C . Hi, Mike. Can you skate?D . You can have a try.E . OK. Yeah! I can skate now.F . Youre great!18.同学们你们知道地理上把海洋分成了四大洋吗?按照面积从大到小的顺序排列一下吧! AAtlantic Ocean(大西洋) BIndian Ocean(印度洋) CArctic Ocean(北冰洋) DPacific Ocean(太平洋)_四、图文匹配19.将句子与图片配对Give me your card. _This is my grandmother. She is old. _Here is a box for you. _I like cola. _Drink some juice. _I can see six sweets. _I am a rabbit. _The peach is nice. _A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. 20.读一读数一数。数一数相同的单词有几个,把数字写在相应图片后的横线上。 mango candy parrot grapes candy honey tiger rooster candy rooster candy doughnut grapes mangohoney rooster tiger candy parrot rooster _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _五、完型填空21.完形填空 Do you like pandas? Pandas are black and white. They are very beautiful. They are members of 1 family. Usually an adult panda weights more than 100 kilos. Its about 1. 5 to 1. 8 meters 2 . Pandas like eating the leaves of bamboo. Every day a panda can 3 10 to 18 kilos of bamboo. They often eat for about twelve 4 a day to get enough food. 5 they are very hungry they will eat small animals. Pandas can walk, run and climb trees.1. A. pigB. catC. dog2. A. tallB. tallerC. the tallest3. A. eatB. eatsC. ate4. A. hourB. hoursC. hours5. A. WhenB. HowC. Where六、阅读理解。根据短文内容选择正确的答案22.阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正误。 Today is Sunday. Its my mothers birthday. I make dinner for my mother. I wash my hands in the bathroom. Then(然后) I go to the kitchen. I wash potatoes,tomatoes and other vegetables. And I cook them. Oh, dont forget rice! Finally(最后),I put them on the table. How delicious th
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