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摘 要企业竞争战略的选择实质上就是一个公司将其内部资源与环境建立联系、适应的过程。尽管企业的相关环境的范围广阔,包含着社会的、政治的、经济的、和技术的因素。但公司投入竞争的特定产业,产业结构强烈的影响着竞争规则的确立以及潜在的可供公司选择的战略。我国电缆行业是一个发展迅速的行业,至2001年我国电缆产品的产值已达到1200亿元,成为继美国之后世界第二大电缆制造国。2002年电缆产品产值已突破1300多亿元。由于电线电缆行业低端产品进入壁垒低,因而全行业由近6000家企业,其中,国有企业占13%,集体企业占34%,股份制企业占19%,外商及港、澳、台投资企业占21%,股份合作企业占8%。企业主要集中在沿海区域、华东、华南、中南、华北居多。从省份来看,江苏、河北、浙江、广东最多。在电线电缆市场激烈的竞争中,有一些企业有上乘的表现,他们不仅为自身在市场中取得了份额,获得了利润,实现了战略构想,也为行业内外的企业提供了难得的学习案例。因而对这些企业的剖析,对于加入全球化竞争的国内企业来说是非常有借鉴意义的。远东集团结合自身的资源优势,克服劣势、利用外部的环境优势,已取得了一定成绩,但面对国内电缆产品近乎自由竞争的市场格局,面对加入WTO后国外跨国电缆巨头对中国电缆市场的虎视眈眈,远东集团要想成为中国电缆产品的领导者,要想取得更大的成功,其企业竞争战略的制定与实施必须要适应国内电缆产业整体竞争结构环境。在电缆产品的竞争战略上,可以考虑以培育企业核心竞争力为宗旨,充分利用十多年积累的行业经验,用低成本的竞争战略,集中一切资源做大企业规模,发展规模经济,坚持走电缆产品专业化发展道路。同时做到:第一,强化现代公司治理结构制度,加强内部管理,通过实行信息化管理,减少管理成本;第二,通过横向兼并或重组,扩大生产规模,实行专业化生产,以达到降低运营和生产成本的目的。若远东集团能坚持这一战略,企业的可持续发展应是有保障的。关键词: 竞争战略 电缆产业 价值链AbstractThe choice of the company strategy policy in fact is to establish the communication and adjustment between environment and the inner resource of the certain firm. Although the relative environment of a company includes the social, diplomatic, economical and technical factor, the key one is the certain industry in which a company involved. The industrial structure plays an important role in establishment of the competitive rule and the prospective strategy policy.The Chinese electric cable industry is a fast developed one.Its output value amounted to 120 billion yuan by the end of 2001.It is the second country only to America in the industry of making electric cable in the world. Its output value amounted to 130 billion yuan by the end of 2002.As the lower product of electric cable is made easy, there are 6000 enterprises of the electric cable industry in China. 13 per cent of them are the state enterprises.34 per cent of them are the collective enterprises.19 per cent of them are joint-stock companies.And 21 per cent of them are enterprises of foreign capital .They are from Hong kong,Macao and Taiwan. 8 per cent of them are share-cooperated business. Most of them locate in the coastal area and the areas of East-China, South-China, Middle South-China and North-China. They are in the Jiangsu, Hebei, Zhejiang, Guangdong province.Some enterprises have behaved splendidly in sharp market competition. They have not only achieved strategic goal, but also made profits and owned market share. Their experiences are vivid cases for the other Chinese enterprises. The analysis of these enterprises mean a lot for the other Chinese enterprises which are involved in the worldwide competition.Fareast Group which took the advantage of the environment and its resource and avoided the disadvantage of a company and the threat from the environment, had achieved success. But facing the free competition domestic market and foreign giant entering into China, to promote the enterprise to a new level and maintain its leadership in the electric cable industry and advance greatly in China, Fareast Group must adapt the competitive structure of the electric cable industry as a strategy policy is made and carried out. It must strengthen core competitiveness by specialization based on our decade experiences, and expand scale of utilizing every resources in few cost strategy of the electric cable industry. Meanwhile it should do as follow: firstly, reducing the management capital by perfecting management structure of a modern company and strenthening the interior management with the measure of implement of informative management. Secondly, reducing the operating and producting capital by increasing the productive scale and perfecting a specialization in production with the measure of horizontal merger and restructuring. If the Fareast Group insists on this strategy, sustained development of the enterprise is ensured. Key words: competition strategy electric cable industry value chain 目 录引言1第一章 导论3第一节 远东集团概况3第二节 远东集团发展历程4第三节 远东集团电缆产品在生产经营中出现的问题7第四节 远东集团电缆产品面临的竞争战略课题9第二章 行业分析 11第一节 电缆产品市场需求分析11第二节 竞争对手分析13第三节 外部环境分析18第三章 远东电缆产品价值链分析21第一节 远东企业辅助活动价值链分析21第二节 远东集团电缆产品基础活动价值链分析28第三节 远东企业电缆产品内部优劣势分析29第四章 远东集团电缆产品竞争战略分析与选择32第一节 竞争战略与发展战略的关系32第二节 SWOT矩阵分析 34第三节 远东集团电缆产品竞争战略选择36第四节 远东集团电缆产品竞争战略评价37第五章 远东集团电缆产品竞争战略的思考40第一节 建立现代公司治理制度40第二节 实施企业资源计划(ERP)42第三节 发展规模经济45参考文献48后记49引 言在21世纪中国的经济社会生活中,民营企业呈现着越来越显着的地位,业已成为我国的市场经济结构中重要组成部分。民营企业的兴起,完全得益于我国改革开放基本国策的实施。特别是20世纪90年代以来,我国民营企业得到了迅猛的发展。以民营企业为主的民营经济在我国国
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