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教学设计基本信息名称执教者课时1所属教材目录冀教版小学英语四年级上册UNIT1 Lesson2 教材分析本单元的核心内容是教授衣服的名称。本课在这些名称中又加入了一些新的描述性的概念:new, old,由浅入深,引导学生针对衣物的新旧和自己对衣物的喜好进行简单的表达和交流。学情分析对于接触英语一年的四年级小学生来说,此时对英语已经有了较为浓厚的兴趣,加之学生在前面已经学习了skirt shirt T-shirt trousers sweater 等词汇,对It is/They re句式也有过一定的接触,这都有助于本课的学习,学生将会很容易、很有乐趣地学习本课。教学目标学习策略提升自主学习能力和同伴合作能力。语言知识1. 会用new和old 询问衣物的新旧。如:Is it new ? / Are they old ?2. 会用new和old 表示衣物的新旧。如:This is a new sweater. / These are old trousers .语言技能能围绕衣物的新旧和自己对衣物的喜好进行一些简单的表达和交流。情感态度让学生真正体会英语学习中的乐趣,敢于表达自己的情感。教学重难点重点1、掌握新单词:new old2、灵活运用句型:I like your _. Is it new? / Are they new?难点2、灵活运用句型:I like your _. Is it new? / Are they new?教学过程教学环节(注明每个环节预设的时间)教师活动学生活动设计意图1minuteGreetingsGreetingsBe polite and get familiar with the class .3minutesLead-in&Review:show some pictures to ask students two key questions .Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Reviewand lead to the topicNew clothes and old clothes. 4minutesShow some pictures of new and old clothes ,guide students to fill in the blanks with “new” or“old”.Find the difference between the clothes and fill in the blanks . Learn& use“new” and“old”3minutesGuide students to listen to Part3and follow to read!Listen to Part3 and follow to read!Feel the standardEnglish and how to talk about clothes .5minutesLet students read Part3 and complete the sentences about Part3 .Read Part3 and complete .Improve reading and compreh-ending ability.10minutesLet students get into pairs to talk about clothes with the key words and sentences .get into pairs to talk about clothes with the key words and sentences .Improve applying ability .3mimutesGuide students to chant .Chant together.Motivate while relaxing .10minutesLet students finish the exercise . Finish the exercise .Test and consolida-tion .1minutesHomework:Write about your favourite clothesand talk with your classmate.板书设计New and Oldnew skirt birthday giftold trousers favourite trousers
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