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上海市职业资格鉴定企业人力资源管理人员(助理人力资源管理师)专业英语试卷1一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship 2. Career support 3. Outsourcing 4. Database5. Employee empowerment 6. Goals 7. Human resource information system (HRIS)8. Job rotation 9. Learning organization 10. Psychological contract11. 薪资调查 12. 任务分析 13. 招募 14. 绩效管理 15. 工作丰富化二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)A.feedback B.benchmarking C.rewards D.Human resource management E.benefit F.on-the-job G. performance H.downsizing I. Direct cost J. output 1. refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job.2. Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly. of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4. Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instruments for .5. Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing to employees on how the organization views their performance.6. The of the job analysis should be a training or learning specification.7. Coaching is a personal technique designed to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.8. Extrinsic include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards.9. Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menu of options.10. Chinas economic reformers have used material incentives in order to stimulate .三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .A.replacement B.outplacement C.release D.downsizing2. focus the evaluators attention on those behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively.A. The group order ranking B. Written essay C. The individual ranking D. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organization will become an employer of choice.A. outplacement B. evaluation C. recruitment D.training4. Organizational and corporate plans indicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goals B.resource C.result D.process5. aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.A.Job analysis B. Job rotation C.Job satisfaction D.Job involvement6. .HR planning is .A. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans to achieve these objectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the following ways except .A.Giving managers more control over their subordinates B.Giving managers increased skill in managing their own careersC.Providing greater retention of valued employees D.Giving an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor market B. region C. recruiting area D. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is known as .A. morales B. ethics C. rules D. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the company to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacement B. contracting C. outsourcing D. employee leasing四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are:The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organization who can be promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and international markets from which different sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets, and the labor supply in these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps can be taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive employment proposition.As part of the human resource planning process, an organization may have to formulate make or buy policy decisions. A make policy means that organization prefers to recruit
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