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Present Continuous/Progressive Tense1. We use the present continuous tense to talk about things that are happening now.2. Structure: l The present progressive tense (also sometimes called the present continuous) is formed with the present tense of the verb to be + a main verb + -ing (be doing), as in, He is constantly calling me, or, The neighbors are playing their music really loudly.l The formation of the Present Participle:1) Add “ing” directly: saysaying, playplaying, studystudying;2) If the verb is ended with e, then remove “e” and add ing: loveloving, makemaking, guideguiding, datedating;3) If the verb is ended with stressed closed syllable, then double the last letter and add ing: beginbeginning, regretregretting, runrunning;4) If the verb is ended with ie, then change “ie” into “y” and add ing: lielying, diedying, tietying.3. Temporal Adverbials: phrases like right now or at the moment often indicate that an action is currently in progress.4. Basic Sentence Patterns:l Positive sentence:Tom is eating an apple.l Negative sentence: Tom is not eating an apple.l General question: Is Tom eating an apple? Yes, he is. /No, he isnt.l Special question (wh-question):- What is Tom eating? - Apple.5. The Usage:We use the present progressive tense to n Talk about an on-going action thats happening right now. For example: Theyre having a meeting.n Describe an action thats happening around now. (The action may not be happening exactly now, but it is happening just before and just after now, and it is not permanent or habitual.) For example: John is looking for a new job these days.I am living with my sister until I find an apartment.n Present Continuous for the future We can also use the Present Continuous tense to talk about the future if we add a future word, such as “tomorrow, next year”. But we only use the Present Continuous tense to talk about the future when we have planned to do something before we speak. For example,I am taking my exam next month.When are you starting your new job?n To complain, praise or express discontent when used together with words like “always, often, forever”Some students in my class are forever talking.Youre always interrupting me!Shes always helping people.Exercise1. Fill in the blanks with the present participle form of the given verbs. 1)give_ 2)use_ 3)move_ 4)skate_5)draw_ 6)tell_ 7)ring_ 8)wear_9)get_ 10)put_ 11)hit_ 12)stop_13)keep_ 14)hurt_ 15)know_ 16)lie_17)die_ 18)begin_ 19)forget_ 20)save_21)close_ 22)see_ 23)carry_2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the words given in the brackets.1) Look, the boy_ (run) fast.2) -What are you doing?-I_ (do) my homework.3) Tom_ (not study) English. He is studying Chinese.4) Dont take that ladder away. Your fathers _ (use) it.5) We _ (spend) next winter in Australia.6) What _ you _ (do) these days?7) We often_ (buy) books and things like that in the shop.8) He _ (arrive) tomorrow morning on the 16:40 train.9) He _ always _ (lose) his keys.10) Polly_ (not eat) a banana now.3. Rewrite the sentences according to the requirements.1) We are having an English lesson now.Change it into a negative sentence: _2) The woman is making a cake in the kitchen.Change is into a general question: _3) The baby is listening to the music.Make a special question to ask for the underlined information:_4) The old man is sleeping right now.Change it into a negative sentence: _5) The boy is waiting for his mother under the big tree.Change it into a general question: _6) Mary is doing her best to study English well.Change it into a negative sentence: _7) She is smiling to herself in the mirror.Make a special question to ask for the underlined information:_8) The students are doing their homework now.Make a special question to ask for the underlined information:_
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