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Essay写作范文社会工程和市场营销对社会有益吗本文主要通过批判性的手法来评估同行评审过的学术期刊文章,用以确定社会工程是否可以为社会带来一定的好处。接下来就随小编一起来看一看本篇Essay,社会工程和市场营销对社会真的有益吗?High quality Essay writing servive on essay.lxws.net,Critically evaluate academic peer reviewed journal articles to determine whether social engineering can do societal good.According to Fein(2001),Hyman(2009),Kennedy and Parsons(2012),social engineering is a combination of macro-social marketing and large-scale intervention,such as,regulation,legislation,research and education used by governments to reshape social order and accomplish public safety and health.With reference to the past literature,the negative societal modification programs of Soviet Russia,Nazi Germany and Maoist China were the notorious examples of using social engineering as a tool to bolster social fabrication(McMahon,2001).Yet,if social engineering is not used with totalitarianism,but used with correct moral and value,it can do societal good.For example,governments nowadays adopt social engineering to adjust undesirable social behaviour,such as smoking,binge drinking and pursuit of unhealthy food.These problems are associated with huge medical costs as they contaminate the peoples health.However,with the aid of social engineering,governments can protect the interests of the majority of the society by regulating and limiting those unfavourable behaviours.This essay will first evaluate how social marketing,as a tool of social engineering,achieves societal good by promoting healthy-eating in society.Social marketing includes researching,analyzing,communicating and offering knowledge to the audiences in order to encourage healthy- eating and discourage the undesirable eating behaviour(Kennedy, Parsons, 2014).Market segmentation in the design of healthy-eating campaigns is a crucial factor leading campaigns to success(Kazbare,van Trijp, Eskildsen,2010).In health campaigns,female audience is more involved when the personal consequence is told in an emotional manner,while communication with an unemotional manner appeals to male audience(Keller, Lehmann,2008).Apart from gender,age,race,religion and other factors can also be used to differentiate audiences.Targeting each segment specifically and designing distinct communication strategies for each can help to maximize the influence of the message content.It is proved that marketing segmentation makes the communication more effective than informing th whole market with an undifferentiated manner(Wedel, Kamakura, 2000;Kotler,Keller,2009).This shows that social marketing can do societal goods by using market segmentation to increase the effectiveness of health campaigns.Despite the advantages stated above,some segmentation studies may complicate the communication strategies by identifying a too large target segment(Wind,1978).The enormous profile of segment generates excessive ideas,confusing the governmentsadopted approach.However,marketing segmentation still can do societal good,if given that the program designer differentiates the market correctly.In short,marketing segmentation,as a tool within social marketing,can do societal good even it depends on the ability of the campaign designers.Second,this essay discusses how governments use social engineering through legislation to achieve societal good by tackling unfavourable social behaviour,including unhealthy eating,adolescent drinking and smoking.They will be discussed respectively as below.Social engineering helps to tackle children obesity with legislating for disclosure of nutritional information of restaurantsmenus.Children obesity is a social problem as it persists into adulthood and provokes health risks,and consequently causes public medical expenses.Besides,as Mallinckrodt&Mizerski(2007)and Hebden,King&Kelly(2011)notes,young children have insufficient cognitive abilities and experience to identify the advertisementsintention when comparing to adults.This indicates children may be persuaded easily,learning and imitating the characters appeared in advertisements without distinguishing between right and wrong.Undoubtedly,parents are responsible for teaching their children but Grier and colleagues(2007)suggests that governments should assist parents by legislating for restaurantsdisclosure of the nutritional information of their menus.The nutritional information imparts the healthy choices to parents,influencing both children and parentsnutrition intake and forming a healthy-eating social norm in the long run(Seiders&Petty,2007).To conclude,governments can alleviate the problem of child obesity with the use of social engineering through legislating for disclosure of nutritional information,especially for fast-food restaurants.Apart from children obesity,social engineering is used to engage in reducing adolescent drinking.Adolescent drinking arouses health risks of drinkers and drinkers may threaten public safety and social order when they are drunk.According to Anderson,De Bruijn,Angus
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