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英美文化中的概念与知识翻译实践,Outline Today: What is Culture? American Political Culture: Cindy Sheehan Hot Issue in U.K. : the Ban on Fox Hunting Western Etiquette & Manners Key Words in Culture Translation Practice,What is Culture?,the shared customs, ideas, beliefs and knowledge of any group - what we teach our children the features of our everyday life, what we do for fun, the entertainment we produce - Pop Culture,How is Culture Learned by Children?,through everyday imitation of those around us. language - culture and language are inextricably linked.,How can we study foreign cultures?,Is language enough? textbooks - sociology, anthropology postmodern approach = anything that is a text, movie, novel, advertisement can all be seen as signs of the culture that produced them. the fish out of water approach,Cindy Sheehan,“The Peace Mom”,Issue: the Ban on Fox Hunting,The traditional sport of fox hunting dates back to the 15th century. Traditionally it is a sport for the leisure class - the rich Uniforms are worn by participants and a strict procedure is followed.,Master of the Hunt 30-40 Hounds controlled by Huntsman 2 or 3 whippers-in assist in keeping the pack together and sighting foxes Other participants are called followers,Pro-Hunt Arguments,No law should curtail the right to do as you like as long as you do not harm others. We should control the fox population - there are no other natural predators. Fox Hunting is not only for the noble class; hunting is an integral part of rural communities.,Anti-Hunt Arguments,Traditional fox hunting is excessively cruel - the fox is chased for hours before being torn to pieces and its suffering is tremendous. The government has the right to regulate cruelty to animals - cock fighting, bear and bull baiting, and dog fighting were all outlawed in the 19th century.,Hey Ned, hows it going? Cant complain. Beautiful day, huh? Ha ha ha, I was thinking the same thing! Hey, Ive gotta get going.,Not bad Marge, how bout you? Sure is. Perfect day to play hooky. You too. Have a good day.,Etiquette & Manners,Common Courtesy,smiling, engaging in small talk. personal space forming lines respect for environment no staring Traditional etiquette requires courtesy to women. Today some consider this a bit sexist.,Taboo Topics,Generally, never ask: a woman her age how much someone makes (except close friends) In polite company, avoid conversations or jokes about politics, religion, sex or money.,White Lies,Americans think its rude to say: “Have you gained weight?” “You look terrible!” “What an awful haircut!” In general, Americans dont comment on others appearance unless its positive.,Euphemisms,poor low-income, working class fat curvy, overweight, stout, husky ugly plain old mature, senior stupid slow His grandfather passed away. My father is between jobs but has two interviews today. Our son is a special child.,Euphemisms of death,to go to sleep 长眠 to be no more 没了,不在了 to close ones eyes 合眼,闭眼 to become an immortal 成为永恒 to pass away 与世长辞 to breathe the last 咽气,断气,to pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘 to rest in peace 安息 to ascend/go to heaven 进天堂 to be called to nature 去见上帝 to depart from his life 离开人世,撒手人寰 to lay down ones life 献身,捐躯,忽见东府里几个人, 慌慌张张跑来,说:“老爷宾天了!”(西府)众人听了,忙都说:“好好的并无疾病,怎么就没了!”家人说:“老爷天天修炼,定是功成圆满,升仙去了。” (红楼梦) some servants from the Eastern Mansion came rushing up frantically. “ The old master has ascended to Heaven!” they announced. Everybody was consternated. “ He wasnt even ill, how could he pass away so suddenly?” they exclaimed. The servants explained, “his lordship took elixirs every day; now he must have achieved his aim and become an immortal.”,Key Words in Culture,bees and birds a term used to describe the basic information about human sexuality and reproduction. E.g. Its time to discuss the birds and bees with your son. Dear John a letter from a woman telling her lover she is ending the relationship. E.g. Mary broke off her relationship with her boyfriend by writing him a Dear John. disk jockey also called “D.J.” a radio announcer, especially in music. E.g. A disk jockey usually goes on the air for 4 hours a day. Keys: 基本性知识、断交信、音乐节目主持人,DINK an acronym for couples with dual income and no children. E.g. The point of this category is that DINKS have more disposable income than the average family. discrimination the different treatment for certain racial, religious or sexual groups. E.g. A recent survey showed that sex discrimination is still very rampant in places of employment across America. hippies a member of the 1960s youth culture, alienated from society and interested in drugs, sexual freedom, mysticism, and pacifism。 E.g. Rock groups such as the Beetles, the Rolling Stones and the Doors , symbolize the hippie movement of 1960s. Keys: 丁克家庭、差别歧视、嬉皮士,confusable words,hippies:嬉皮士,又称游戏人生族(flower children/people)。产生于20世纪60年代旧金山的H.I.P组织。消极的和平主义者,吸毒,蓄长发,穿奇装异服。 yuppies: 雅皮士(abbreviation of young urban professionals)。中上阶层的年轻专业人士。,Buddhism a rel
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