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小学英语故事教学方法与策略,要求学生能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。,一级目标:,故事教学的目标:,二级目标:,要求学生能在图片的帮助下听懂,读懂并讲述简单的故事。,义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)(2012,教育部),故事教学的基本流程,导入,故事前,故事中,故事后,学习,运用,01,03,02,(一)故事前导入-多元导入,激发兴趣,04,(一)故事前导入-多元导入,激发兴趣,05,(二)故事中活动-整体出发,深入理解,预测故事内容,故事标题,故事关键词,预教部分生词,故事插图,预测故事内容,了解故事内容,理解故事大意,toy family party cake burgers and fires cafe No!,故事关键词,第一:检测学生对故事的学习情况,三:故事后活动-表演创编,综合运用,主要功能,第二:学生对故事的扩展、延伸和运用的能力,故事后主要活动,判断句子对错,复述故事,表演故事,续写故事,评价故事中人物,表演故事,(1)Pair:两人选一个场景,分角色演,(2)Group:四人选全篇,分角色演,Maskman:Lets have burgers and fries to eat? Monty:No,Maskman.It isnt your birthday.,复述故事,easy,normal,hard,Fill in the blank and try to tell the story,Retell the story according to the note on the Bb,Retell the story according to the pictures of the text.,续写故事,Marie:Thanks,boys!Would you like to come to the cafe with me? Trevor:Can I have some pencil cake,please? Marie:Would you like some burgers ,Maskman? Maskman:Yes,Id love some. Marie:What would you like to eat, Monty? Monty:.,Thank you!,
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