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中国农业银行股份有限公司 2019 年二级资本债券(第二期)募集说明书 2 牵头主承销商牵头主承销商 Lead Underwriter: China Merchants Securities Co.,Ltd. China International Capital Corporation Limited 联席主承销商联席主承销商 (排名不分先后)(排名不分先后) Joint Lead Underwriter: CITIC Securities Co.,Ltd. BOC International(China) Co.,Ltd. GF Securities Co.,Ltd. CSC Financial Co.,Ltd. 二零一九年四月 中国农业银行股份有限公司 2019 年二级资本债券(第二期)募集说明书 3 重要提醒重要提醒 IMPORTANT NOTICE 本募集说明书旨在于美国以外向非美国人士依赖于 S 监管条例发行二级资 本债券。本次发行的二级资本债券尚未且将不会依据美国 1933 年证券法进行注 册,本次发行的二级资本债券不能在美国境内或向美国人士(如美国 1933 年证 券法 S 监管条例所定义) 、 代美国人士或为其利益发行或出售。 本募集说明书不 得向任何美国人士或在美国的人士或美国地址发送。 This Offering Circular aims to offer the tier 2 capital Notes to non-U.S. persons outside of the territory of United States in reliance of Regulation S. The Notes issued hereunder have not been, and will not be, registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933. The Notes may not be offered or sold within the U.S. or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. Persons (as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933). This Offering Circular shall not be sent to any U.S. persons or persons within U.S. or any U.S. address. 境外投资者通过“债券通”中的“北向通”参与本次二级资本债券认购,所 涉及的登记、托管、清算、结算、资金汇兑汇付等具体安排需遵循人民银行发布 的内地与香港债券市场互联互通合作管理暂行办法及其他相关法律法规的规 定。中央国债登记结算有限责任公司为本期债券发行提供登记托管结算服务。香 港金融管理局债务工具中央结算系统为在其开立债券账户的境外投资者提供登 记托管结算服务。 For overseas investors participating in the subscription of the Notes through the “Northbound Trading” under the “Bond Connect”, the specific arrangements concerning registration, depository, clearing, settlement, remittance and conversion of funds shall follow the Interim Measures for the Connection and Cooperation between the Mainland and the Hong Kong Bond Market issued by PBOC and other relevant laws and regulations. China Central Depository in addition, if this Offering Circular is sent via electronic mail, the electronic mail address given to us and to which this Offering Circular has been delivered is not located in the U.S., and that the person consent to delivery of the Offering Circular by electronic transmission. 中国农业银行股份有限公司 2019 年二级资本债券(第二期)募集说明书 5 本期二级资本债券基本事项本期二级资本债券基本事项 BASIC ISSUES OF THE NOTES 一、基本条款一、基本条款 Basic Issue Terms 债券名称 Name of the Notes 中国农业银行股份有限公司 2019 年二级资本债券(第二 期)。 Agricultural Bank of China Limited 2019 Tier 2 Capital Notes (Series 2). 发行人 The Issuer 中国农业银行股份有限公司。 Agricultural Bank of China. 次级条款 Status 本期债券本金的清偿顺序和利息支付顺序均在存款人和一 般债权人之后, 股权资本、 其他一级资本工具和混合资本债 券之前;本期债券与发行人已发行的与本期债券偿还顺序 相同的其他次级债务处于同一清偿顺序,与未来可能发行 的与本期债券偿还顺序相同的其他二级资本工具同顺位受 偿。 除非发行人结业、 倒闭或清算, 投资者不得要求发行人 加速偿还本期债券的本金和利息。 The claims of the Noteholders for payment of principal and any interest under the Notes will, in the event of the Winding-Up of the Issuer, be subordinated to the claims of depositors and general creditors of the Issuer and shall rank in priority to the claims of all holders of equity capital, Additional Tier 1 Capital Instruments and hybrid capital Notes of the Issuer, present or future, and will rank at least pari passu with the claims under any other Subordinated Indebtedness of the Issuer, present or future (including any Additional Tier 2 Capital Instruments expressed to rank pari passu with the Notes which may be issued in the future by the Issuer). The Noteholders shall have no right 中国农业银行股份有限公司 2019 年二级资本债券(第二期)募集说明书 6 to accelerate any payment of principal or interest under the Notes other than upon the initiation of any bankruptcy or other Winding-up Proceedings of the Issuer. 债券期限品种 Type of the Notes 本期债券分为两个品种,品种一为 15 年期固定利率债券, 在第 10 年末附有条件的发行人赎回权,发行人在有关监管 机构批准的前提下有权按面值部分或全部赎回该品种债 券;品种二为 10 年期固定利率债券,在第 5 年末附有条件 的发行人赎回权,发行人在有关监管机构批准的前提下有 权按面值部分或全部赎回该品种债券。 The Notes have two tranches. Tranche 1: 15 years Fixed-rate Notes with conditional redemption right by the Issuer at the end of the tenth year. With the approval of Regulatory Authority, the Notes are redeemable in whole or in part at the option of the Issuer at their outstanding principal amount. Tranche 2: 10 years Fixed-rate Notes with conditional redemption right by the Issuer at the end of the fifth year. With the approval of Regulatory Authority, the Notes are redeemable in whole or in part at the option of the Issuer at their outstanding principal amount. 赎回权 Redemption 本期债券设定一次发行人选择提前赎回的权利。在行使赎 回权后发行人的资本水平仍满足银保监会规定的监管资本 要求情况下, 经银保监会事先批准, 发行人可以选择在本期 债券设置提前赎回权的该计息年度的最后一日,按面值一 次性部分或全部赎回本期债券。 发行人须在得到银保监会批准并满足下述条件的前提下行 使赎回权:(1)使用同等或更高质量的资本工具替换被赎 回的工具,并且只有在收入能力具备可持续性的条件下才 能实施资本工具的替换;或(2)行使赎回权后的资本水平 仍明显高于银保监会规定的监管资本要求。 中国农业银行股份有限公司 2019 年二级资本债券(第二期)募集说明书 7 在满足赎回条件下, 发行人若选择行使赎回权, 将至少提前 1 个月发出债券赎回公告,通知债券持有人有关赎回执行 日、 赎回金额、 赎回程序、 付款方法、 付款时间等具体安排, 同时披露律师出具的法律意见书及监管机构同意本期赎回 的监管意见函。 The Notes are redeemable in whole or in part at the option of the Issuer at their outstanding principal amount at the end of the fifth year. The Issuer could choose to redeem the Notes on the last day of the fifth interest accrual year; provided that the Issuer shall obtain the prior written consent of the CBIRC and that the capital position of the Issuer after redemption of the Notes still
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