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1 本募集说明书的英文译文仅为方便特定投资者。中文版本为正式版本,投资者仅 可依赖正式的中文版本。若中英文有不一致之处,以中文为准。 The English translation of this Offering Circular is for the convenience of certain investors only. The official Offering Circular is in Chinese, and investors shall only rely on the official Chinese Offering Circular. If there are differences between the Chinese Offering Circular and the English translation, the Chinese Offering Circular shall prevail. 重要提醒 Important Notice 本募集说明书旨在于美国以外向非美国人士依赖于 S 监管条例发行资本补充债 券。本次发行的资本补充债券尚未且将不会依据美国 1933 年证券法进行注册,本次 发行的资本补充债券不能在美国境内或向美国人士(如美国 1933 年证券法 S 监管条 例所定义) 、代美国人士或为其利益发行或出售。本募集说明书不得向任何美国人士 或在美国的人士或美国地址发送。 This Offering Circular aims to offer the Capital Supplemental Bonds to non-U.S. persons outside of the territory of United States in reliance of Regulation S. The Bonds are not and will never be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933. The Bonds may not be offered or sold within the U.S. or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. Persons (as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933). This Offering Circular shall not be sent to any U.S. persons or persons within U.S. or any U.S. address. 境外投资者通过“债券通”中的“北向通”参与本次资本补充债券认购,所涉及的登 记、托管、清算、结算、资金汇兑汇付等具体安排需遵循人民银行发布的内地与香 港债券市场互联互通合作管理暂行办法及其他相关法律法规的规定。中央国债登记 结算有限责任公司为本次债券发行提供登记托管结算服务。 香港金融管理局债务工具 中央结算系统为在其开立债券账户的境外投资者提供登记托管结算服务。 For offshore investors participating in the subscription of the Bonds through the “Northbound Trading” under the “Bond Connect“ regime, the specific arrangements concerning registration, depository, clearing, settlement, remittance and conversion of funds shall follow the Interim Measures for the Connection and Cooperation between the 2 Mainland and the Hong Kong Bond Market issued by PBoC and other relevant laws and regulations. CCDC will provide services for the registration, depository and settlement of the Bonds. HKMA-CMU will provide services for the registration, depository and settlement for the offshore investors who have opened accounts in the HKMA-CMU. 投资者确认:本次发行的资本补充债券不能在美国境内或者向美国人士(如 S 监 管条例所定义) 、代美国人士或为其利益发行或出售。任何审阅本募集说明书及/或购 买本次发行的资本补充债券的潜在投资者不能位于美国境内或者是美国人士。 本募集 说明书只向被认为符合以上条件的人士发送。 通过电子方式或其他方式收到并审阅本 募集说明书的任何人士都将被视为已向发行人、主承销商以及其他承销团成员保证: 其不在美国境内,不是美国人士,且并非是为美国人士的账户或其利益而进行交易; 并且,如果本募集说明书通过电子形式发送,其提供给我们的接收本募集说明书的电 子邮件地址不位于美国境内且其同意通过电子形式发送本募集说明书。 Confirmation of your Representations: The Bonds may not be offered or sold within the U.S. or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. Persons (as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933). Any potential investor viewing this Offering Circular and/or purchasing the Capital Supplemental Bonds issued hereunder shall not be within the U.S. territory or be a U.S. person. The Offering Circular is sent to persons deemed to have satisfied the aforementioned criteria. Any person, by accepting the e-mail and accessing the Offering Circular, shall be deemed to have represented to the Issuer, the underwriters and the underwriting syndicate that: it is not within the territory of U.S., is not a U.S. person, and is not transacting for the account or benefit of a U.S. person; in addition, if this Offering Circular is sent via electronic mail, the electronic mail address given to us and to which this Offering Circular has been delivered is not located in the U.S., and that the person consent to delivery of the Offering Circular by electronic transmission. 3 基本条款 Summary of the Terms 债券名称债券名称 中国人寿保险股份有限公司 2019 年资本补充债券(债券通) 。 Name of the Bonds China Life Insurance Company Limited 2019 Capital Supplemental Bonds (Bond Connect). 发行人发行人 中国人寿保险股份有限公司。 Issuer China Life Insurance Company Limited. 发行方式发行方式 本次债券由主承销商组织承销团,通过簿记建档集中配售的方式,在 全国银行间债券市场公开发行。 Offering Method The underwriters will form an underwriting syndicate and the Bonds will be publicly offered in the CIBM through a bookbuilding and centralised allocation process. 次级条款次级条款 在发行人破产清算时,本次债券的清偿顺序列于保单责任和其他普通 负债之后、股权资本等核心资本工具之前;本次债券与发行人已发行 的与本次债券偿还顺序相同的其他次级债务处于同一清偿顺序,与未 来可能发行的与本次债券偿还顺序相同的次级定期债务、资本补充债 券等资本补充工具同顺位受偿;发行人无法如约支付本息时,本次债 券持有人无权向法院申请对发行人实施破产。 Status and Subordination In the event of winding-up of the Issuer, the claims of the bondholders will be subordinated to the claims of insurance contracts and general creditors and shall rank in priority to the claims of all holders of ordinary shares and any other core capital securityholders of the Issuer, present or future, and will rank pari passu with the claims of holders of subordinated bonds, capital supplemental bonds and any other capital instruments of the Issuer expressed to rank pari passu with the Bonds, present or future. Under the circumstance that the Issuer is unable to meet its obligations to the bondholders, the bondholders have no legally enforceable right to apply for bankruptcy liquidation of the Issuer. 债券期限债券期限 10 年期固定利率债券,在第 5 年末附有条件的发行人赎回权。 Tenor of the Bonds 10 years fixed rate Bonds, with conditional redemption right by the Issuer at the end of the fifth year. 发行规模发行规模 本次债券发行总规模不超过 350 亿元(含 350 亿元) ,可一次或分期发 行。 Size of the
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