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GOM3,Quality Management,TQM Wheel,Customer,satisfaction,Definitions of Quality,Transcendent definition: excellence Product-based definition: quantities of product attributes User-based definition: fitness for intended use Value-based definition: quality vs. price Manufacturing-based definition: conformance to specifications,Plan,Do,Check,Act,Deming Wheel,Costs of Quality ( 1 of 4),Prevention costs associated with design and planning of a quality control program Examples: Quality measurement and control equipment Qualification of material Quality training Quality control administration and systems planning,Costs of Quality ( 2 of 4),Appraisal costs involved in the direct appraisal of quality both in the plant and in the field Examples: Testing Inspection Quality audits Checking labor Outside endorsements Field testing,Costs of Quality ( 3 of 4),Internal Failure costs directly related to the occurrence of defective production within the plant Examples: Scrap and rework, fault of vendor Material review activity Repair and troubleshooting Quality control investigations ( of failures),Costs of Quality ( 4 of 4),External Failure costs associated with the failure of a product or service in the field Examples: Complaints and loss of customer good will Warranty costs Field maintenance and product service Replacement inventories Strained distributor relations,Tools for Quality Improvement Example: Wellington Fiber Board Co.,Checklists,Tools for Quality Improvement Example: Wellington Fiber Board Co.,Tools for Quality Improvement Example: Wellington Fiber Board Co.,Tools for Quality Improvement Example: Wellington Fiber Board Co.,15,Scatter Diagram,0,2,4,6,8,10,12,0,10,20,30,Hours of Training,Defects,18,Control Charts,970,980,990,1000,1010,1020,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,10,Continuous Improvement (CI),Managements view of performance standards of the organization performance level of the firm as something to be “continuously challenged and incrementally upgraded.“ The way management views the contribution and role of its workforce believe employee involvement and team efforts are the key to improvement,20,Benchmarking,Identify those processes needing improvement. 2. Identify a firm that is the world leader in performing the process (Library & WWW). 3. Contact the managers of that company and make a personal visit to interview managers and workers. 4. Analyze data,4,1.0 Leadership (120 points) 2.0 Strategic Planning (85 points) 3.0 Customer and Market Focus (85 points) 4.0 Measurement, Analysis & Knowledge Mgmt (90 points) 5.0 Human Resource Development and Management (85 Points) 6.0 Process Management (85 points) 7.0 Business Results (450 points),Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award,24,ISO 9000,Series of standards agreed upon by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Adopted in 1987 More than 100 countries A prerequisite for global competition? ISO 9000 directs you to “document what you do and then do as you documented.“,25,ISO 9000 Series,9001 Model for Quality Assurance in Design, Production Installation, and Servicing. 9002 Model for Quality Assurance in Production and Installation 9003 Model for Quality Assurance in Final Inspection Test,27,Three Forms of Certification,1. First party: A firm audits itself against ISO 9000 standards. 2. Second party: A customer audits its supplier. 3. Third party: A “qualified“ national or international standards or certifying agency serves as auditor.,质量管理的发展-6西格玛,摩托罗拉和通用电气试行 基本概念 6西格玛意为6倍标准差 对商务或制造过程而言,西格玛值越高,则过程状况就越好。西格玛值用来测量过程完成无缺陷作业的能力。 6西格玛有多种意义: 是一个统计测量基准 是一个工作策略 是一种处世哲学 6西格玛管理是一种以客户为中心,以数据为基础,以追求几乎完美无瑕为目标的管理理念。,质量管理的发展-6西格玛,与PPM及FPY之间的关系,质量管理的发展-6西格玛,西格玛模式的要素 以客户满意和创造客户价值为中心 建立在数据和事实基础上的管理方法 以流成为重 主动管理 无界限合作 追求完美,容忍失败 实施6西格玛模式的利益 降低总消耗 提高产品质量和可靠性 缩短生产周期 减少设计变更,
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