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烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,1,Welcome to 热烈欢迎,Our Company 光 临 指 导,先生和朋友们,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,2,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司 Yantai YesNo Electronic Materials Co.,Ltd,您值得信赖的伙伴和朋友,产品介绍 Introductions of Products,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,3, 键合丝 Bonding wire 银键合丝 Silver bonding wire 铜键合丝 Copper bonding wire 铝键合丝 Aluminum bonding wire 靶材、蒸发材 Evaporating / Target Materials,主要内容 Content,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,4,金/银/铜/铝等键合丝 Gold/Silver/Aluminum /Copper etc. Bonding wire 贵金属蒸发材、靶材、焊线, 以及用于特殊用途的合金材料 Evaporating precious metal ,Target Materials, Solder wire and other alloy for multipurpose applications 航空发动机/辐射保护等材料 Aero engine/Radioprotection etc. materials,主要产品和服务(1/2) Mainly Products & Services,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,5,主要产品和服务(2/2) Mainly Products & Services,Al target,Ag/Au for evaporation,银键合丝 Ag Bonding Wire,铜键合丝 Cu Bonding Wire,金键合丝 Au Bonding Wire,铝键合丝 Al Bonding wire,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,6,6N高纯原料,棒材,合金化,丝材,成品的丝材,成品,(一)键合丝 Bonding Wire,键合丝工艺流程 Bonding wire process flow,良好的焊接化合性能,没有虚焊,最大程度减少对芯片的损害,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,7,键合丝和键合过程 Bonding Wire and Bonding Process,线轴表面清洁、尺寸精确,好的放线性能,成弧规则、均匀、稳定,足够的强度,成球尺寸、硬度合适,表面圆滑,尽可能减少氧化和污染,EFO,表面清洁,间隙正确稳定,电流、时间合适,兼顾合适的成球和效率,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,8,物理性能参数(金银铜铝) Physical properties (Au, Ag, Cu, Al),烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,9,熔断电流对比(1/2) Comparisons of fusing currents,熔断电流数值的获得根据实验条件的不同会有略微的差异。 Slightly differences may exist due to different experiment conditions.,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,10,熔断电流,长度:1mm,I = Kd3/2 I : Maximum current in Amps d:Wire diameter in inches K:Materials constant,熔断电流 计算公式,直径,熔断电流对比(2/2) Comparisons of fusing currents,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,11,金属间化合物增长对比 Comparisons of IMC,IMC增长对比,Time of diffusion layer formed to 10nm(200) Test Condition Baking Temp. : 175 Baking Time : 1000hr,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,12,键合丝使用成本比较(1/2) Cost comparisons of different bonding wires,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,13,键合丝使用成本比较(2/2) Cost comparisons of different bonding wires,价格比较 Price comparisons:,综合成本比较 Comprehensive cost comparisons:,综合上述成本,银丝的价格略低于镀钯铜丝,高于铜丝大约2倍,远低于金丝。考虑到铜丝的控制风险,银丝为最佳选择。 Above all, the price of Ag wire is a little lower than Pd plating of Cu wire, 2 times higher than Cu wire, and far lower than Au wire. In consideration of the control risk of Cu, Ag wire is chosen to be the best.,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,14,Silver Bonding Wire -the worlds first,键合银丝 世界首创,广泛应用于发光管和部分分立器件及IC。 Widely used in LED and some TR 、 IC.,(1)键合银丝 Ag Bonding Wire,高纯原材料:主要原材料(6N铜,5N银,及合金)由美国一诺自制,现与山东国大捷克萨菲纳、招金精炼合作,运用电解区熔等高纯提纯工艺,保证6N的高纯银原料的生产: 性能和质量的稳定性 较高的抗腐蚀和抗氧化性,High Purity Ag Raw Material : Main Materials(6NCu,5NAg,and Alloy) come from YesNo America. Ag raw material is guaranteed by using electrolytic zone melting purification method, and cooperated with Shandong Guodasafina Group and Zhaojin Group. Stability of performance and quality. Good corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance .,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,15,优点 Advantages 较好的导电和导热性能 Good electric and thermal conductivity 较好的抗腐蚀和抗氧化性能(与铜比较)Good corrosion and oxidative resistance (Compared with Cu) 仅需氮气保护,比较安全(与铜比较)N2 as protective gas only (Compared with Cu) 硬度较低(铜比较)Lower hardness (Compared with Cu) 成本较低-金的1/5-6 Lower price-1/5-6 to Au,缺点 Disadvantages 加工性能较差,制造成本较高 Poor process performance and high manufacturing cost 成本是铜的的2-3倍 cost 2-3times higher than Cu,银丝的特点 Features of Ag Bonding Wire,挑战 Challenges IMC控制(Ag 的电子迁移问题目前已经基本解决)The control of IMC ( The problem of electron transfer of Ag is basically resolved),烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,16,银丝机械性能参数 Mechanical properties of Ag bonding wire,更多参数请登录我公司网站或咨询我公司服务人员。 Please log in the website of our company or consult us to get more information.,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,17,银丝和真球硬度 Ag Wire & FAB Hardness,标题,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,18,银丝的热影响区 HAZ of Ag bonding wires,The strength and stability of loop could be guaranteed when the height of HAZ is less than the loop.,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,19,银丝焊接性能 Welding performance of Ag bonding wire,实验条件 Experiment conditions 0.8mil;高温200储存,0-300小时 ;检测速度:100um/sec;检测数量:50。 0.8mil, storaged under 200 for 0-300 hours, detection speed:100um/sec, detection quality:50.,Ball Shear Test,Bond Pull Test,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,20,银丝抗腐蚀性能 Corrosion resistance of Ag bonding wire,银会与氧缓慢反应生成氧化银( AgO和Ag2O),是对光敏感的灰白色固体,导电,100 时分解为银和氧气,对键合基本没有影响。 银在有氧的环境下易硫化(Ag + H2S + O2 = Ag2S + H2O),硫化银呈灰黑色,导电性较差,会影响焊接性能。 故银丝的键合时建议加氮气保护,隔离氧气,除此以外,银很稳定,一般不会被其他离子腐蚀。,Ag oxides to be AgO and Ag2O, which is electrical conduction and will decompose into Ag and O2. This reaction do little harm to bonding. Ag also can react into Ag2S (Ag + H2S + O2 = Ag2S + H2O),which has poor electrical conduction and affect bonding seriously. Above all, the bonding process of Ag should be protected by N2.,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,21,银丝应用范围 Applications of Ag bonding wires,键合银丝的发展将逐步走向以一种型号适应不同的封装形式。 Ag bonding wire with single type will gradually adapt to different packaging forms.,烟台一诺电子材料有限公司,22,银丝的应用趋势 Ag Bonding Wire Application Trend,2011 2014 2016 2018,封 装 形 式,随着键合银丝研究的深入,键合银丝将越来越适应小型化、薄型化封装形式发展,是未来取代昂贵金丝的最佳产品。 With the deepening research on Ag bonding wire, it will more and more adapt to the miniaturization and th
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