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用餐1. Excuse me, please./Oh,miss!劳驾,服务员2. We havent got our food.我们的食物还没来。3. I didnt order this.我没点这个菜。4. This is raw./overdone. 这还是生的/太老了。raw r: 生的 overdone vdn 老的5. It isnt fresh. 这个菜一点也不新鲜。fresh fre 新鲜的结账1. Bill please. 买单。2. Is the tip included? 包括小费吗?3. Here is 50 dollars. 这是50美元4. Keep the change. 零钱不用找了。5. May I have a to-go box? 给我一个打包袋好吗?6. Could you pack up the leftovers? 帮我把剩菜打包好吗?leftoverleftv(r) 剩菜观光旅游1. Where is the tourist information center?旅游咨询中心在哪?tourist trst 旅行者information center nfmein sent 信息中心2. Do you have guide books? 有旅行指南吗?guide gad 向导3. Do you have tours with Chinese-speaking guides?有用汉语导游的路线吗?tourt(r) 旅行 speaking spi:k 说话4. Where can I buy a ticket? 请问在哪可以买票?ticket tkt 票、入场券5. One adult ticket, please. 一张成人票。adult dlt 成年的child tald ticket 儿童票6. Can I take food and water in? Where can I leave it?我可以带水和食物进去吗?我应该放在哪?7. Is the lavatory vacant? 厕所现在没人吧?lavatory lvtri 厕所 vacant veknt 空闲的occupied kjupad 已占用的8. Can you take a picture for me?能帮我照张相吗?9. May I check my bag? 可以存包吗?
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