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Material Movement in a Lean Manufacturing Operation 优化生产中的物流活动,Total Systems Development 全体系生产提高,JIT生产(准时,准量生产):,What is meant by the term, “Just-In-Time”? JIT生产意味着什么? Does it mean JIT Supply? 准时,准量供应? Does it mean JIT Production? 准时,准量生产?,So, what is Just-In-Time? 那么,什么是准时准量生产?,The concept of producing the necessary units in the necessary quantities at the necessary time is described by the short-phrase “Just-In-Time”. JIT生产是:在必需时间内生产必需数量的必需部品的概念.,For example.,In building shoes: The necessary subassemblies of the proceeding process (uppers and bottoms) should arrive at the assembly line at the time needed in the amounts needed. 举例说明: 在生产成品鞋的时候:制鞋所必需的部件(鞋帮和鞋底)要准时,准量,准型号地到达制造车间.,If we achieve JIT: 如果我们做到准时,准量生产:,Unnecessary inventories will be eliminated. 不必要的库存就会消除 Stores and warehouses will not be needed. 储存区和仓库也可以取消 Material carrying costs will be diminished. 资材搬运成本降低,However.,To rely solely on a central planning approach that instructs the production schedules to all processes simultaneously is not likely to result in a JIT process for all operations. 但是:单纯地依赖计划生产的方法,使所有工序同步生产,并不能完全实现所有环节的准时,准量生产.,Weekly Schedule每周生产计划,Typically, one control operation receives the customers orders and disseminates schedules. 通常,生产控制部门接受客户定单,然后制订并传达计划.,Production Control 生产控制,Weekly Schedule每周生产计划,Production Control 生产控制,The problem comes when a change is made either because the order changes or equipment breaks down. 但是当定单有变化或设备出现问题的时候,就会发生一些问题:,库存,库存,库存,库存,The result is excess inventory 结果是导致过多的库存,within the plant as Work-In-Process 在本车间工序内积压过多的库存 suppliers sending in parts that are not needed 上一道工序发来的并不需要的部件,Additionally另外,We need extra floor space to store the material. 我们需要额外的空间来堆放材料 Need expeditors to satisfy the changes in schedule. 需要人力和时间投入来改变生产计划 Run overtime to make up parts that we now need. 用加班时间来生产现在所需部件,Toyota rethought how to communicate schedules. 丰田公司对调整生产计划做了改进:,Toyota discovered a different way to manage their schedule, 丰田使用不同的方法来制订调整生产计划 They stopped trying to guess what the customer will want. 他们并不去猜想客户的需求,Instead相反,Each department had installed a small inventory of each product. 每个车间都保持少量的库存 Downstream processes come to the supplying departments and take what it needs. 下一道工序到上一道工序去取他们所需部件 This allows the processes upstream to simply replace what was taken. 这样,上一工序只要补充被取走的部件即可.,The Toyota Production System TPS丰田体系.,Is likely to be the most studied and discussed operations program in the world. 是极可能被全世界研究和讨论的体系 Numerous books and papers have been written about TPS. 出版了很多关于TPS的书籍和其它资料 Many have come to characterize TPS as “lean production” or NOS. 许多人认为丰田体系(TPS)实际上就代表优化生产或NOS,Lean Manufacturing (NOS) NOS优化生产,Regardless of any authors opinion or rational, all agree that the foundation of lean manufacturing (NOS) is the continual pursuit to eliminate waste. 尽管大家的观点有些不一样,但所有人都认为NOS的基础是持续不断地减少浪费 Waste is defined as anything that consumes resources or time, but does not add value to the product. 浪费是任何耗费资源或时间,但不增加产品价值的活动,Excess Inventory is Waste 多余的库存是一种浪费,Excess inventory hides problems 多余的库存会隐藏一些问题,Poor Scheduling 计划不力,Machine Breakdown 设备停机,Quality Problems 质量问题,Line Imbalance 线内不平衡,Long Set- Up Time 过长调整时间,Lack of House- Keeping 仓储管理问题,沟通问题,Our goal for materials management in NOS NOS资材管理的目标,The ideal state is a smooth flow of materials throughout our own factory 理想的状态是物料在整个工厂内顺畅的流动. We want to tie together processes that are separated by large physical distances. 使那些有一定距离而相对分离的生产流程紧密结合起来 We need to improve communication in regards to material movement. 在物流方面要加强各工序间的沟通,The Push System ”推动“生产体系,In traditional manufacturing, various production schedules are released to all processes; component making and assembly. 在传统的生产中,各种生产计划被传达到各个工序,部件生产和组装部门.,The Push System (cont.)”推动“,These part-making processes produce the parts in accordance to their schedules and transport the parts to the next process. 部件生产部门按照收到的计划生产并把成品部件运送到下一道工序.,The Push System (cont.)”推动“,This method makes it difficult to promptly adapt to changes. 这种方法使生产很难迅速对变化作出反应 Each production schedule must be changed at each process simultaneously. 每个工序的生产计划都必需同时变化以适应同步生产,The Push System (cont.)”推动”,The Result导致: The company must hold extra inventory among all processes. 公司不得不在各个工序保持额外的库存 This creates an imbalance of stock between processes. 各工序间的库存达不到平衡,The Pull System “拉动”生产体系,In contrast, in a PULL SYSTEM, each process will withdraw the parts it needs from the proceeding process. 相反, “拉动”生产体系要求各个工序仅需从上一道工序提取自己所需要的部件.,Supplying Process 供应工序,Customer Process 客户工序,“生产”指示板,“拒收”指示板,The Pull System (cont.)”拉动”体系,Since only the final-assembly process can accurately know the necessary timing and quantity of parts required, they are the only ones to receive a schedule. 因为只有制造准确地了解所需时间和部件数量,以只要制造收到生产计划即可.,Weekly Schedule每周生产计划,Final Assembly receives a schedule and pulls from the Market Place. Stitching and Stock-fit replenishes the Market Place. 制造接受生产计划,并借助“供应超市”拉动生产.缝纫和准备向“供应超市”补充部件.,Production Contr
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